Me: dude we need to make our plan for seducing david

Sammy: i know bruh

Sammy: im sick and tired of listening to their stories about boys in the gc

Sammy: like thats not the only thing that matters in this world

Me: ikr, i love them but all this talk about boys is annoying

Sammy: yeah

Sammy: anyways, do you want to do it or me?

I stopped there, realizing that I couldn't do it. I now had a mate, and I wasn't willing to cheat on him at all. Sammy will have to do it, and hopefully she won't be to suspicious.

Me: do u wanna do it?

Sammy: kind of

Sammy: imma knee him in the balls once im done

Me: go sammy

Me: you got this woman

Sammy: alrighty, we'll hang out tomorrow or something and come up with details

Me: okies, i'm gonna go to bed now, nighty night

Sammy: sleep tight

Me: don't let the bed bugs bite

Sammy: were so weird lol

Sammy: night

I set my phone on my nightstand and pulled the blankets tighter around me. Hey, a familiar voice popped into my head. A smile formed on my face as I rolled onto my side.

Hey, I replied back.

When can we hang out again? He asked, and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh because I knew exactly what he meant by hang out.

Tomorrow night? Maybe we can go on a run, I suggested.

And do other stuff.

Yes, we can do other stuff, I replied, rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me. You wanna know what's really weird but kinda funny?

What? He asked.

The fact that before today, we could barely stand in the same room as each other and then we find out that we're mates and within the hour we already had sex.

That was some pretty great sex, he said, and I could only imagine him smirking.

Yeah, it was, I said. What are you doing?

Well, besides talking to this beautiful, amazing, perfect girl, I'm watching Mean Girls. I couldn't hold in my laughter at that and hoped that my family wouldn't hear me.

You're seriously watching Mean Girls? I asked, laughter still hinting in my tone.

Are you judging me? He asked.

No not really, I just find it hilarious, I laughed.

Well what are you doing? He asked me in a childish voice.

Literally nothing, I said, sighing into my blankets.

Want me to come over and change that? I wanted to wipe the smirk that I knew he had off his face, but at the same time I wanted to beg him to come over.

As much as I want to have sex again I'm exhausted. The events that took place earlier really wore me out.

I'll take the blame for that one, he replied immediately. If you're tired I'll let you get some sleep now.

No it's fine-

So if you're from Africa, why are you white? He cut me off, his voice high pitched but failing miserably at trying to sound like a girl. Oh my god Karen you can't just ask people while they're white!

Exactly how many times have you watched this movie? I asked, laughing again as he continued to quote the rest of the scene.

Like thirty, give or take a few. You've gotta have at least one movie like that for you, he said bluntly.

I mean I can quote parts of Mean Girls but I feel like that's a normal thing. I've got Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 down pretty well, I said.

I've got Mean Girls, White Chicks, Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2, both Grown Ups, and a couple more, he responded proudly.

Good for you babe, I laughed, mentally applauding him. I'm actually going to go to bed now because I am exhausted, thank you for that.

It was my pleasure, he responded, and I burst out laughing again at the pun.

Goodnight Conner, I said.

Goodnight Carlie. I love you.

I love you too, I responded, closing my eyes and pulling the blankets up to my chin, trying not to laugh as Conner would send me famous quotes from Mean Girls and eventually White Chicks until I fell asleep.

Here's the next chapter! Please let me know what you guys think about it so far!

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