
7 1 2

The sun rose early in all its glory.
However, it didn't really matter to Chen, who didn't allow himself a wink of sleep.
Nothing remained the same since he graduated. It was all the same till the sun was out, but the aura swiftly changed on the arrival of the crickets chirping and illuminating moon.
He forced himself to stay up, for she was gone. She was no where to be seen. Twilights didn't seem to be the same without her. "Maybe," he thought, "She's fulfilled her duty, I guess. My time with her was only for these 10 years. Now I guess I have to move on by myself. Im no kid anymore". He said this, attempting to console himself and his weakened heart. After all those hours sitting upright in the same old bench, he finally supported himself up. It was the first day of college and he didn't want to be late in the least but at the same time, he wasn't yet ready to leave without regards of the one kept him alive and going- While his parents couldn't dedicate any time for their 'Dear Son's sake.
With a stone on his heart, he showered in ice cold water, without realising it's temperature due to his cloudy mind, full of her. He pulled a well-knit, expensive black sweater down his torso and paired it with a pair of old jeans. Chen spiked his hair up, the way he usually did and set off, avoiding breakfast and with depressed, disturbed energy.
On reaching the grand building of his university after the short drive, he felt more and more fatigue spilling into him. He looked at the cliques around him.
There were groups of girls and guys and both. They were all busy. Talking, hugging, laughing, smiling. But what was this, did it mean anything at all? Everyone here were some of the wealthiest young adults of the nation. They all walked with an air of confidence. All pampered in Fendis, Guccis, Yves Saint Laurents- you name it. They had everything in the world, but, they looked incomplete. Like a puzzle with a missing piece. Like guitar chords with a missing note. Like a raw fruit, a blunt blade, a starless night.
What were they missing? They had good looks, intellect, all the money in the world, best of health and all sources provided in the best of shape and quality. They had luxurious houses too.

And then it struck Chen. They had houses, not homes. They had parents, siblings and relatives, but no family.
Materialism. The walls separating one person from the people and nurture they need most.
They had it all, yet nothing at all.
After all, some people are so poor, that all they have is money.

These million thoughts floated around Chen's mind as he roamed over the halls of college.
It was time now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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