The revenge...

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The girl was found her body had finger prints scanned on it... those finger prints were Hilary clintons... she was taken under arrest, Alinas body discarded into the local dump, her soul went to heaven. Yet her body stayed, Hillary Clinton had died in her prison cell, her soul had been moved into hell, satan couldn't handle Hillarys mosquito like Jabbering, satan sent he back up to earth, her soul taking over Alinas body. She pretended to be Alina... and from this day on Trump became president, and the 2nd girls thoughts were true Mexicans from around the world killed him.
Alina grew old with her three friends, she then became president. In the year 2030 Alina was assanated by Bernie due to him not liking her...

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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