ta ta ta tagggged~

100 7 14

Woot woot! The tag train is here! Aight so i got tagged by JayDaShinigamiKitten and imma answer the questions now~

1. Favorite instrument?
Violin, Piano and guitar~

2. Favorite Hand?
Right hand~

3. Favorite Gender?
Both are good. I mean i don't care about the gender. It all depends on the personality to me.

4. Favorite Hobby
I like writing the most and i like singing, i like drawing but... I'm not so good at it xD

5. Favorite Anime
Attack on titan is my numba one~ i also like love live school idols, Tokyo ghoul, black butler... Etc

6. Favorite Subject
I like English. It helps me know new words that i never knew that it existed xD And Science~

7. Favorite way to dispose a body?
O_o crap... How did you know i killed someone?? Ahem. Uhh i mean.. I guess burying them.

8. Favorite mode of transportation?
Planes are cool. But cars are cool too. Or maybe 3DMG... :P

9. Favorite culinary device?
Wwwell.. I would answer that if i knew what it means xD (look i'm stupid alright?)

And there we go! That's all the questions!  Now let's tag some people shall we?

1. Aiden_The_Killer101
2. BananaChanDork
3. Persassico
4. x_AnnieLeonhart_x
5. TheRealHanjiZoe

The rule for the tag is to answer all the questions in the picture above. And as always no need to do the tag if you Don't want to :3

I got to go to bloody school now! So bye bye~

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