3: You're the one that I want at the end of the day.

Start from the beginning

But she had no claim to Harry and Penny knew it wasn't her business unless he was prepared to share it.

Oh who the fuck was she trying to kid?

This was Harry and he was gorgeous and funny and sweet and knew his way around the bedroom but he had never really gotten serious with anyone for as long as she'd known him.

The fact that they were kind of together made her the recipient of some gossipy girls and the occasional jealous comment but Penny took comfort in the fact that she got to see Harry naked and they didn't.

At the end of the day, Penny had a good friendship with Harry and that was all that really mattered.

She heard the water shut off from the shower so she moved herself around on the bed, neatening her dress out and smoothing her hair as she waited for Harry.


Harry opened the bathroom door and walked back into his bedroom.

"Fuck!" he swore again as he found Penny reclining on his bed.

She giggled as he jumped in fright, watching as he walked over to his drawers, shooting a glare her way.

"What are you doing here so early?" he asked her.

"Early?" she scoffed, "it's nearly 10am Harry, that's not early."

He dropped his towel, exposing his taut, firm ass and by god those thighs, causing Penny to bite down on her lip. But much to her disappointment, he quickly stepped into a pair of cotton boxers that fit him like a second glove.

"Penny?" Harry said her name to catch her attention and she realised that she'd been staring aimlessly at him, "did you want something love?"

Just you, she thought.

"Oh I was just wondering what you were up to today, you know..." she shrugged nonchalantly, "see if you wanted to hang out?"

"Oh," he said, "uh...I have a few errands I have to run today and then I was going to see mum this afternoon..." he trailed off when he saw the disappointment on her face.

He hated upsetting people unnecessarily.

"But I'll be free tonight if you want to hang out?" he offered and Penny's face instantly brightened.

"Ooh fabulous!" she jumped up off Harry's bed and practically bounced over to him, kissing him on the lips, "I'll bring dinner!"

Harry shook his head and smiled at her before he noticed his phone out of the corner of his eye, lit up with a message.

Penny watched him as he picked it up, his eyes lighting up in surprise and then smiling to himself as he placed the phone down.

"Something good?" Penny asked innocently, hoping Harry might share his news.

"You could say that, yes," he replied as he went over to his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and then a shirt.

"Anything you want to share?" Penny pushed hm.

Harry just shook his head as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Not really," he replied.

He would tell her, but he wanted his mum to be the first to know his big news. He could tell Penny tonight over dinner anyway.

Penny hid her disappointment behind a smile, wondering why her friend was hiding something from her but hoping he would share when he was ready.

And whoever this Grace person was.

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