Rain Drops

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I have been afraid of lightning and thunders

Well I still am

But nothing else can be done

For this thing that haunts me

Is what keeps my feet firm

To stand on this jagged ground

I learned to stood up and move forward

Wishing the lightning and thunders won't stop

Following the light and sound emanated by this fear of mine

For it is my only choice and only chance and only hope

I traveled this unending journey called calvary

No matter how I run

I'm still caught up, I cannot be free

This lie that I've been holding on to for so long

Is slowly becoming real

And it's swallowing me, my soul, my whole being

The rain had stopped

With it my hope faded fast as a snap

It seems that I'm losing my way

I arrived at such an unfamiliar place

A place consumed by darkness and silence

By now it is I against this unbeatable temptation

I tell you it cannot be washed away

Even by the boiling waters of hell itself

Conscience betrayed me

As I did what I wanted truly

I tried leaping of the ground

With this new found wings of mine

But sadly the rain came back

The lightnings and thunders as well

On my back comes a crack

I was, I guess I became an angel

But it's figured those black wings isn't for one

I awoke but there's no difference

For this place I live in

Is full of lightning and thunders

My fears that keeps me going.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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