Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. A day with him.

"I opened my eyes. I moved away from the tapping sun-light against my face.But then when the warm sunshine touched my face, it felt amazing.Everything looks beautiful. I'm comfortable.This is my first morning in Los Angeles."

I got up, wore my slippers and walk toward the mirror.I looked at myself. I dreamed about that person again last night.

I look at myself again firmly.

" I have to stop thinking about it. I'm not going to let my past ruin everything.It's not going to happen. We'll never face each other. This place is big enough. We're never going to meet.You'll be fine."

I walked towards the bathroom and I suddenly remembered that other guy from last night,William.

I closed my eyes to let that amazing smile flash in front of me.I thought about what happened last night and Iaughed.

That morning I decided to walk around the place and get used to the new environment.

'"Mom i'm just gunna walk around kay?'"

Mom smiled and replied: "Honey make sure not to get lost!"

I love her a lot but she can be annoying when she wants to.

I let out a sarcastic smile and kissed her on her forehead and left.

I walked around, amazed by the beautiful places.I kept looking around when I suddenly heard a familiar voice from the back.

"Hey marissa!" Yelled the voice from behind.

I turned and saw william.

As I was going to answer,William's phone started ringing.

"Gimme a sec", he said and answered his call.

I walked away,leaving himbehind.

"You meet an attractively cute guy at your arrival and what you do is let your belly growl and call him a spoiled brat?, Ugghhh Marissa what went through your stupid brain!" I secretly yelled at myself while walking away.

"Ay where you go!" Yelled William. He followed me.

"So?" I asked him.

"So? So what?" Said william.

I looked at him.I wanted to act cool. Little did anyone know how I was fangirling deep inside.

William smiled and said:"My dad and i passed by your place and your mom asked me if i could help you to get used around"

"Why is he doing this?" I asked myself.

"But-" I began when William grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

That touch sure felt nice.

I couldnt help but smiled back and I let myself lost in those eyes.

"The places we're visiting, with my hands in William's, feels homely.I feel like i can fit in.He was always there.When i feel comfortable around someone, he or she becomes someone I'd always look for. I could feel the warmth when I was with William. But why was he doing this? The way he looked into my eyes and the the way he tightly grabbed my hands.It was not just " showing me around".He seemed really possesive of me for some reason. But whatever it was, i have to admit, it felt nice to have someone always at your back. I felt cared."

Time passed real fast and we were on a hilltop sitting on a bench facing the sun, about to set. I was so tired. I didnt even realise when i fell asleep. When I woke up,still half asleep, William had me in his arms.

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