The Smith Family

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(( I first wanna start off by thanking you guys for the support! I'm really sorry I haven't been updating in awhile. The lemon part will come later in the story, maybe next chapter or the one after that.....I'm not exactly sure yet but I promise I'll put it in here. Anyway I hope you enjoy!))

Your eyes slowly opened to the wake of morning. You sat up and gave yourself a minute before reaching to your pants that were on the floor for your phone.
You let out a loud groan as you got up and started rummaging through the boxes scattered on the floor for some clothes. It was cold today, and you wanted to be comfy. You put on some dark gray joggers and a light gray hoodie before digging out a brush and untangling your bed head. You slipped on some socks and your black converse before grabbing your wallet and walking out the door to hop in your car and go get some breakfast at like McDonald's or something.

~Rick's P.O.V.~

"Thanks for not destroying the house while we were away last night Dad!" Beth thanked at an almost apologetic tone. "S-sweety, I-I-I get it you don't have to keep repeating yourself l-like a broken record." You reply and continue to your breakfast. "Jeez you don't have to be such an ass, she's just trying to thank you." Jerry mutters. "Y-EEAh what was that Jerry?, nobody needs y-your stupid two cents on t-the current situation!" You spat back. "He's right Jerry!" Beth takes your side and gives him a death stare. "Why am I always being attacked by everyone! I didn't do anything wrong! I'm allowed to have freedom of speech!" Jerry practically whined at Beth, "Oh heeere we go again with the victim card!" Beth rolled her eyes. "U-uh hey!......we have new neighbors. J-just across the street." Morty squeaked in efforts of breaking up the argument. They instantly turned there attention to him "Oooo yay!" Jerry said with a big smile.
"B-be cAAREful Jerry, you might scare them off with your idiocy." You commented with a smug look on your face. He looked at you very angrily and was about to say something dumb like usual until Beth cut him off, "That's great! We should introduce ourselves to them today!"

~Your P.O.V. //  Time skip~

As you pulled up in your driveway and got out of your car you glanced over at the neighboring home across the street and went inside your home. You sat down on your couch and started to space out until you heard a knock at the door.

Rick Sanchez x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now