IX - Survivor Series

Start from the beginning

Cole: Reigns with the spear on Ziggler. The pin!

1, 2, 3
Dolph Ziggler is eliminated
The winner: Team Raw!

I was backstage, looking at the monitor in the Smackdown locker room. The Raw superstars ran to the ring and celebrate their victory.

It sucks losing. You gotta learn from your mistake. But there were two men that cost me dearly. Revenge will help me dearly. Or slaughter me dearly.

Night after Survivor Series

Enzo, Big Cass, and Bayley finish their match against Gallows, Anderson, and Dana Brooke. Bayley got the win over Dana.

Saxton: Hey Corey

Graves: Don't you do it.

Saxton: Corey...

Graves: I'm warning Saxton!

Saxton: How you doin'

Graves: [Triggered]

As the "Certified Gs" and the "Certified Hugger" got to the back, Gallows and Anderson speaking to each other, looking at Dana furious.

Cole: What is Gallows and Anderson doing?

Saxton: Dana, get out of there!

Graves: Guys, don't do this!

The two members of The Club walked up to the blonde, getting closer and closer.

The lights went for a couple of seconds and went back on.

Graves: What th- Oh my god!

Cole: What is he doing here!?

I was behind Gallows and Anderson with a steal chair. I slam the chair on Gallow's back, bringing him down. Anderson left the ring, Gallows rolling out.

The two backed up the ramp. I threw the chair at them, shout at them "this ain't over!"

Dana looked at me, smiling like she saw her knight in shining armor. I roll my eyes at her and left the ring.


I made my way backstage. Dana follow behind, trying to get my attention. When she got in front of me, I stopped.

Dana: Rahzel, I just wanted to say thank you...for saving me.

"I didn't come here to save you." I said to her coldly, looking in her eyes.

"I don't know if you're blind but I wanted revenge for what they did to me last night."

She was going to say something but I interrupt her.

"But while we're on the subject of you, what the hell happened to you?! You were dominant force back in NXT. You made your way to here and your some lackey to Charlotte. That's not you. You should've been done with her by now. But no, your her little pet, doing her little bidding."

Dana look like she was on the verge of crying or ready to beat the soul out of me.

"You're not the Dana Brooke I knew. You're Dana Brooke, Charlotte's bitch!"

I walked away, leaving her to her own misery. I liked her. Yeah, she may blew me off or put me down back on NXT. It was the only way I got to talk to her. It wasn't the same her.

I get it, Charlotte was her mentor. But there is a difference between mentor and lackey.

Raw Tag Team Championship
New Day vs Rowdyruff Boyz

Cole: It comes down to this. Kofi crawling to Big E. Raij crawling towards Brick.

Both Kofi and Raij leap to their partners, tagging them in. Brick and Big E clothesline one another back and forth.

Closing in to the finish, Raij drop kick Kofi onto the floor. The two Rowdyruff Boyz signal for the end. The two irish whip Big E to the other side. Once he came back, Brick pick him up and Raij super kick the New Day member.

Graves: Rowdyhouse!

Brick went for the pin.

1, 2, 3

JoJo: Your winners and New Raw tag team champions: Raijn and Brick, The Rowdyruff Boyz!

Raij and Brick hugged each other as they finally won their first major title since coming to Raw.

Cole: The New Day title reign ends at Day 467. The Rowdyruff Boyz are the new tag team champions.

Graves: About time the booty crew were dethrone off their high horse or unicorn. Now they go back to scratching and clawing to the top.

Saxton: What a awesome match between the two teams. Raij and Brick deserve the tag belts for their efforts.

Cole: What a night! Goodnight and once again, congrats to The Rowdyruff Boyz, new Raw tag team champions.

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