A Warden's Child (Dragon Age Origins)

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A/N I obviously didn't end on a spectacular note with this fic, but I was mainly focusing on dialouge on this fic! It's hard to write as Morrigan and Zevran! So, I hope I did them justice... And I hope you enjoy. Not sure if I'll continue this lovely fic, and if you want me too I suggest that you vote and comment! :) Enjoyyyyy!

It's unedited as well, I don't exactly have a beta reader. Sorry for mistakes.

'So,' Morrigan begins, walking into the room with her right hand placed on her hip. 'It seems like you've managed to impregnate us BOTH with your child. How quaint. Are you proud, Alistair?'

Alistair, the new King of Ferelden, sits on the bed with his head in his hands. He looks up at the mysterious girl. Morrigan really was not going to go easy on him. He pinches the bridge of his nose.

'It's not like this is an accomplishment,' he breathes, his head dropping back into his palms. 'I didn't have much of a choice with you.'

'Well,' Morrigan says astonished. 'That's what every girl wants to hear after you impregnate her.'

Alistair lifts his head to argue.

'I did that so I, nor my beloved, would perish, though!' he argues.

'Oh yes! Even better! Tell the young woman that you only slept with her for self preservations. Oh my heart, how it breaks!' Morrigan says with sarcasm as she looks at Alistair. She crosses her arms.

'Whatever happened to 'You'll never see me again'?' Alistair questions frustrated. 'Or did I just hear that wrong, perhaps?'

Morrigan laughs.

'To think I would miss this...' Morrigan smirks. 'Seeing you in this position, frustrated, it pleases me.'

Alistair falls back onto his bed with a heavy sigh. Morrigan was definitely the last person he needed right now.

The room slowly creeps into an awkward silence as the two stare at objects around the room, not daring to let their eyes land on each other. Both of them having nothing to say to each other. When there seemed like no hope for this conversation, the door behind Morrigan opened with a creak. Morrigan turned around, her arms crossed; as she watched the Warden and Wynne enter the room.

'Love!' Alistair stands up quickly and walks to his fiancé, Elessa Cousland. 'Is everything alright?' he looks toward Wynne, his eyes searching the older mages for answers.

'What?' Morrigan questions. 'No concern for the other woman carrying your other child?'

Alistair shoots the mage his look then looks back at Elessa.

Wynne, being the way she was, immediately noticed the tension that had settled in the small room.

'Did we miss something?' she asks, looking between Morrigan and Alistair.

'Why yes!' Morrigan claims, clapping her hands together. 'Alistair was just telling the most delightful story! It was about a royal bastard turned Grey Warden who impregnates an apostate mage and his fiancé! It was quite hilarious. You should have been here.'

'I shouldn't have asked...' Wynne shakes her head as she focuses back on Elessa.

Alistair just releases another groan, covering his hands with his face once again.

'Can you go die in a bush now?' he asks.

'Alistair,' Wynne warns, looking at the new King.

'Right, where are my manners! Please go die in a bush.'

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