Chapter 34 - New Minister and Final Plans.

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Dumbledore and the light were concerned when they heard that the Minister had been killed with 3 killing curses, aimed at the same time and all 3 of them very powerful. They thought that because the wands were so powerful that they would be able to trace the power emitting from the wands, but when they tried they were not able to do so, meaning that whoever these people were they were more powerful than Dumbledore wanted them to be and they knew how to mask their whereabouts.

Fudge was a key in Dumbledore's plans, the man did anything that he was asked to meaning that he was the perfect person for Dumbledore to manipulate. However now that the man was dead a new Minister had to be elected, this meant there is was no guarantee that the person who will be chosen would listen to him, meaning that he would lose his power in the Ministry.

Sirius and Remus had been babysitting for Harry and Draco, they wanted to spend more time together alone now that they knew the plan was happening soon. It was not that they did not want to be with their son, but they did want some time alone as well, they only spent a few hours a day without their son.

Since the Minister had been killed they were looking for a new one, this meant that all those who wanted to could put their names down for it, they would then present what they want to do as Minister and then the people would vote.

Lucius Malfoy and two other people that Harry did not know were running. Harry knew that Lucius would win, even though he was known to be dark, what he wanted to do and how he wanted to improve their world, he was the one that had the most to offer.

It had now been one week since the death of the Minister and it was time for the announcement to be made of who would be replacing him. This announcement was going to be made over TV, which is what children liked watching, Steve was fascinated with the box even though he was only just over a month old, he had also began to crawl around meaning that he is more intelligent then most other children.

At 10am the announcement was made.

"The votes have been counted and the tallies added up, the new Minister for Magic is... Lucius Malfoy!" The person on the box told the wizarding world.

Everyone in the room rose from their chairs and cheered for their family member or friend. Harry, Draco, Severus, Voldemort, James, Narcissa and Lily all hugged the man, congratulating him. The only let down was the fact that the loud noise of everyone screaming had awoken Steve, who was now wailing. Harry and Draco calmed their son down, before they handed the boy to Lucius to hold for a bit.

Inside the office of Dumbledore the man was seething. He knew that he was not going to be able to control Lucius, he also knew that the man was dark meaning that he was not going to be able to manipulate him. He also knew that he was not able to change the mind of the public and that he was stuck with Lucius as Minister.

Back with Harry and Draco they had decided to meet with their parents to discuss the plan so that they knew definitely what they were doing and what was meant to happen.

"What is this meeting about my son?" Voldemort asked his son.

"Father, we just wanted to discuss the plan more. We understand most of it but we want to make sure we understand before we go to the Death Eaters and announce it to them." Harry explained, earning a nod of understanding from his parents.

"Well we are thinking of making the attack one month from now, this means that it is just before the end of the year. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons finish before Hogwarts does so all of those that want to take part will do so, those that want to take part from Hogwarts will do so when the battle begins." Voldemort said.

"We will cause a panic first before we begin to attack, we do not kill until after the reveal. We will then gather all of you, you will reveal your code names followed by your real names and then removing your hoods. This will cause the rest of the panic that we want and they will want to turn you back to their side, you can then give them the reasons why you don't want to, then we reveal Ginny to them before we begin killing." Severus said, he was due soon but knew that he would be okay for the attack.

"Then after that me, you and Draco will corner Dumbledore, we will be the ones to kill him, after that it is a free for all." Voldemort said.

"And then we will win and take over the world, living happily ever after." Harry said, sitting on Draco's lap and cuddling into him.

"Yes that is right my son, but we do have a month to wait yet, so I want you to practice spells, as well as hand to hand as well. I want all of you to be prepared for the fighting, for the deaths and for the reveal." Voldemort said. If he was being honest with himself, he thought that his son was going to leave him and join with Dumbledore again, he didn't think that he could deal with that.

"There is nothing to worry about father, I am never going to leave you and I will never join the light again. I have learned that my place is with you and it is with Draco, as well as Severus. Dumbledore will never be able to separate us, and he will fall at the hands of both the Dark Lord and the Dark Prince." Harry explained. He had seen the look in his fathers eyes and he had felt his fathers worry through the bond that they shared.

"I love it how you understand me Harry without me having to say anything." Voldemort said. Harry bounded over to his father and hugged him tight, telling Voldemort that he was now his family and he was not going anywhere, neither was Draco or Severus, who also joined into the hug as well.

"No we are going to stay as a family. Me, you, Harry, Draco and Steve." Severus said, earning him nods from everyone else.

"The light are going to regret picking a fight with this family, now that we are all together there is nothing that can stop is from what we try to achieve." Draco said.

Voldemort was happy. He never thought that he was going to have this, he didn't think he would have a lovely mate, he didn't think he would have a child on the way, he didn't think he would have a lovely blood adopted son, he didn't think he would have a son-in-law and he didn't think that he would be given the chance to be a grandfather. Now that Harry, Draco, Severus and Steve were in his life, he had never felt better than he did.

The same things were going through everyone else in the room. Severus didn't think he would have a mate, an adopted son and son-in-law, a child on the way and a grandchild now. Draco didn't think that he would have more dads, that he would have a mate and that he would have a child, hopefully more in the future. Harry was also thinking the same thing, that he was so lucky to be given the things he didn't think that he would have.

In some ways they were all happy that Dumbledore had betrayed them all, if he hadn't then they would not have gotten together, and they would not be the family that they were today so there was something to thank the old man for.

Harry and his family could not wait for the final attack in a months time.

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