Chapter 2 - The Dursley's and the Rescue.

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Harry only had one way to get home so that no one was going to be able to detect him and that was by using his broom. He had received a new broom recently from his godfather Sirius, it was a firebolt, and was the fastest broom in creation at the time.

He hopped onto the broom after he had packed up the things that he needed and said goodbye to those that he still trusted. He looked back at the place that he called home for a 3 years giving it one final look, before he left, flying to the house that he spent in the summer.

As soon as Harry got into the house he was not expecting any warm welcome from his relatives. Vernon Dursley, his uncle, was the man of the house, he was a large man with a fat neck and an ugly moustache. Petunia Dursley, his aunt, was the total opposite of her husband, she was skinny with a long neck and brown curled hair, she always wore an apron. Dudley Dursley, his cousin, was the same as his father, he was a massive child but he had his mothers sharp attitude to others.

Harry went up to his room straight away. From the age of 1 till the age of 12 he was living in the cupboard under the stairs, with barely any food or water and at times only being let out for the bathroom. However when he turned 12 he was too big to fit in the small cupboard and so they allowed him to sleep in Dudley's second room, the room where most of the bigger boy's toys were kept.

That was another thing that Harry despised Dumbledore for, the fact that Dumbledore was making him live here for the sake of some wards. Voldemort did not even know where he lived.

Every year the medi-witch of the school, Madame Pomfrey, was to perform a medical exam on all of the students, Harry has now been in the school for 3 years and going into his 4th, Dumbledore would have known by now how bad the injuries he had sometimes, as well as the fact that he was malnourished and dehydrated most of the time.

Dumbledore knew of the abuse as Harry had told him before, but he did not nothing, only claiming that Harry had to stay there because the wards that his mother had put up needed Harry to be there in order for them to work. But Harry knew the truth now.

He had figured that since Dumbledore wanted him to kill Voldemort and then kill Harry himself he figured that Dumbledore was leaving him with the abuse givers to make him more of weapon, more of a scared little boy and more under his control.

 That night he had the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and he found out what it was almost as soon as he packed his trunk.

"Boy get down here!" His uncle yelled from downstairs.

Harry hurried down to his uncle, he knew that if he ignored the man then he would not have any food, water and would maybe get a beating. He could also tell that his uncle was drunk, and that was a state that you did not want Vernon to be in.

"Yes uncle?" Harry asked, his voice quiet.

"Well I thought that it was time to teach Dudley how to properly beat up someone, as that is what I was doing at his age. And since no one cares about a freak I'm going to use you." Vernon said, punching Harry and taking him to the floor.

After what seemed like an eternity the two of them had stopped, but he was too badly damaged, he figured that he was going to die. So he contacted a person that had never lied to him.

Voldemort can you hear me?

Yes Potter, why are you contacting me?

I just wanted to let you know that I finally the truth of Dumbledore, I know now that I chose the wrong side. Dumbledore planted things into my mind at young age and I trusted him, but now I see that I was just a pawn in the game he was playing. I wish I got the chance to see you, I get the feeling that you are not as bad as people make you out to be. Harry said, he knew that Voldemort killed people and tortured them, but he only did that to those that deserved.

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