Chapter 8

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Tylers POV

"I'm ready to listen."

"Well, okay then." I started before I was interrupted. "Geez, why am I always interrupted?"

"Ty, I think we need to cook dinner or something like that or pick a movie or something.. Ya know?" He was clearly avoiding the topic. Maybe he did remember. 

"Okay, after we talk." For some reason, this made me feel so clever.

"Ugh, fine. Go ahead." He grunted back to me.

I told the whole story from him being drunk and Zayn dropping him off to me going to Louis and asking for help. I didnt want to leave anything out. I mean, why would I? He desrved to know because he could help  me understand why he feels the way he does.

Harrys POV

"Oh, I-erm. Well.." I didnt have anything to say. She was exactly correct. What Louis said was right, I did feel as though she was distant lately. I guess I talk alot when I'm drunk. It wasnt all her fault.

"Harry? Babe? HARRY."

"Wha- OH. Yeah?" This is starting to take a diffrent turn than I had expected.

"So, Louis was right?" She could barely get her words out. Her eyes showed worry and confuson. I didnt want her to feel the way I do. I walked over to the recliner where she was sitting and decided to squat down in front of her. I didnt know how far I coul go with her anymore. I felt as if I didnt even know who she was anymore.

"Yeah, I do feel far away from you." I was worried about how she was going to take it.

"Oh. So its my fault. I knew it. Harry we can fix this right? I can help you. We can help each other, I promise I'll try my best." She was getting frantic. When she is nervous or worried, she starts talking really fast and gets all flustered, It used to be adorable to me, but now knowing that this was because of me changed the whole thing.

"Tyler. Its not. I just feel like we arent the same. Something happened. Im not sure what happened, but I just feel so.. different." I didnt know how to explain to her that it was partially was her fault.

She was starting to talk again, but she couldnt find the words. Tears started slipping down her fce and guilt took over my body causing me to stand up and give her a hug. Her pain killed me inside.

"Hey, It'll be okay. But I think we need to be apart for awhile." My words shocked me, but my words were true.

"What?  Harry I dont understand. I- I.."

"We arent breaking up, I just need time." I tried to calm her down but I only made it worse.

"Well, I'm going to Zayns. Call me if you need me ba- Harry."

I watched her get her stuff and walk out the door. 

"Oh, and Harry, I love you. But if you dont need me, there are plenty of other girls you can have. They all want you. But please, make her feel special. Make her feel pretty. Make her love you as much as I do. Treat her right Harry." I heard her car start and drive away.

"Way to screw things up, Mr.Smooth."  There was no one else in our house, but I still talk out loud anyways.

"Oh, and Tyler? I only want you."

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