Chapter 5

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Tylers POV

Harry is broken. He said so himself. But I wanted to know why, but I have this gutting feeling he wouldn't tell me even if I gave him everything.

"How could I not have seen that in him?" "Shouldn't I have noticed?"

I knew he had been coming home drunk, but I thought he was just enjoying himself. The boys had been with him, maybe they know? Cambria had left e to figure it out. "Call me if you need anything." Yeah ok. Cause I don't need you now.

(I don't if you could tell that I was being sarcastic but I was soo yeah.)

"Tyler?" Harry spoke out softly. Just waking up; his voice still asleep.

I couldn't stop blaming myself. He tells me everything. Why couldn't he tell me this?


"Wha- Oh. Hey babe." I said. I didn't know how to talk to him without bringing it up. Now that I know, its so obvious. I just want to help, but I feel like I cant. But he cant do this alone.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"That's not what you should be worrying about." I said, my own words surprising me. I didn't want to bring it up, but here I am making all the mistakes that its possible to make.

"What are you talking about?" He was clueless to what happened last night. He was drunk as all get out, but I figured he would at least remember the chaos because I sure am not forgetting it.

I get up and walk away hoping he will drop it. The hangover must still be massive even though I gave stuff to help it last night. At this point I'm hoping it is because I don't want to explain last night to him until I've got some of it figured out.

"Tyler!" He tried to scream but he was so weak from everything, he could barely make a sound louder than a normal voice. I kept walking because I couldn't stand the sight of him thinking of what he said.

"I'm going to go get breakfast from someplace because I don't feel like cooking right now. Anything specific you want Harry?"

"No, I'm not really that hungry. But can you explain yourself? I'm so lost."

"Yeah, you are. I'll explain later. I really have to go now." I replied in a rushed tone.

I really wanted out. I was going to go check with the other boys to see if they know anything because Harry is my world, and if he really is broken and lost, then so am I.

This isn't my best chapter, but I am satisfied with it. I haven't updated in forever. SORRY. Tell your friends about this Fanfiction okay? That sounds selfish. But seriously. If you wanna talk to me my kik is @tarryshipper. My instagram for 1D/5SOS is @styles_bebe.. I LOVE THE LITTLE BIT OF YOU MY LOLLIPOPS AND SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHORS NOTE. (:

Smiles Hide SecretsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz