Chapter 3- The Big News

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This is taking place a couple days later! For anyone that gets confused :) Side picture is of  a brain cancer awareness ribbon.


 I laid there in my bed, just watching some Criminal Minds on TV. I heard my sister in the other room having some trouble with her homework and decided to run down the stairs. I was cuddling with my pilliow and glanced over at my diary on my dresser that I haven't written in since a few months ago. I quickly sat up and grabbed that and a pen from my backpack.

I started writing:

 Well, I ended up going to the hopsital to find out if I have brain cancer or not. We're still waiting for the results to come back and for the doctors to call. I'm scared and nervous about everything. I am still so young and yet, my life can be taken away at an instant. This week has gone from amazing to unbearable. I don't think I'll be able to hold on if I do have it. I just don't want to suffer since I saw my dad suffer. It's one of the things I fear the most, death and suffer. Knowing you are going to die is probably the worst feeling  anyone can have. I have sympathy for people that have to suffer in this lifetime. I still want to live my life to the fullest that I possibly can. I'll lose everything that means so much to me. Tyler, my family, my friends and the rest of my life.

I had to end it there because I started balling my eyes out I felt so scared and so alone that no one would know how I feel. I curled up on the bed holding the stuffed bear, the last thing my father was able to get me. I ended up dozing off watching Criminal Minds and woke up to Tyler's arm hanging over my side. I couldn't help but draw a big smile on my face and scooted more towards his warm body. I didn't fall asleep though, but still cuddled with him listening to the TV.

Knock Knock.

"Can I come in darling?" I heard my mom say cracking the door open. She sounded so worried but yet so strong at the same time. Our eyes met and I just nodded at her, giving her the ok to come in. She looked like such a wreak, her hair as messy as a birds nest, her eyes bloodshot and her hands shaking with such fright.

"Mom? Is everything ok? Why do you look horrible?" I said quickly moving and ending up waking Tyler up.

"I just got off the phone with the doctors," she said starting to cry "And they said, by the looks of the catscan, you have terminal brain cancer." As she said running over to me giving me a bear hug. I was in total shock, and suddenly felt lightheaded. I didn't cry to my suprise and Tyler was still as speechless as I was.

Tyler and I just sat in my bed holding eachother and crying like there was no tomorrow. I felt my whole world come crashing down on me. Nothing I have ever felt compared to what I was feeling now. All I could think about was the fact I can lose everything in a short amount of time.

"Baby, everything will be ok, I promise that I will be here through everything. You mean the world to me and if I lose you than I have nothing left on this world." Tyler said with our faces close together, feeling our foreheads touching. I honestly was at a loss of words, all I could do is smile at him but continue to cry.

"Babe, I'm gonna go downstairs to get something to drink and a snack. Do you want anything?" I said wiping my tears away and trying to calm down so Crissy didn't see me like this.

"Yeah, sure babe. Just suprise me." Tyler said putting a smile on his face even though I saw the guilt in his eyes.

I headed downstairs and grabbed 2 root beers and the bag of cooler ranch doritos. I heard my mom in the computer room talking on the phone. I decided to peek through the door and see what she was up too. 

"Yes of course doctor. I'll be sure to talk to her. Have a good day," I heard my mom say to the doctor. "Oh sweetie, I didn't realize you were there. I have to talk to you about something, so please come sit." I walked over and sat in the chair in front of her desk still holding the doritos and root beer.

"Hunny, the doctors gave me a few numbers for chemotherapy doctors in the area. I just want to know if you want to go through with this. We also have to make an appointment with a doctor soon." she said getting up and coming towards me.

"Can I think about it mom? I just can't take so much in a day. I just want to relax and spend time with Tyler." I said getting up and grabbing my mom for a hug and a kiss. She just nodded and kept giving me a hug. 

I started to walk away and head back upstairs to my room. I saw Tyler flipping through the pages of my diary.

"What are you doing?" I asked while handing him his root beer.

"I noticed the pen inside and picked it up and started skimming through it. I'm sorry babe, I really am." He said putting the pen back and closing my diary.

We started to snack on the doritos and continued to watch TV.  I felt his warmth against my back even through my shirt. I felt secure with him, like nothing could ever come between us. I never wanted Tyler to leave my side.

 "Ty, I love you so much. Promise me that you will never leave me." I said gripping his hand tightly with mine. 

I felt his lips touch my cheek for a kiss and heard him whisper "I promise you until the day I die. You will live to grow old with me. You'll have the wedding you always dreamed about and have kids and watch them grow up. I promise you that nothing is going to happen to you."

I rolled over to give him a hug and started crying but I wasn't upset; I felt like I could float away. While Tyler and I were cuddling, I fell asleep to the sound of his soft heart beating like a drum.


Sorry this is so short guys, Just been stress out with college & having writers block. Dont worry the story will get better & longer. Thanks for understanding guys!

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