Chapter 1

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10 years old. That's how old I was when the depression hit. Depression hit and I wanted to hurt myself, I wanted to escape. That's when I started going to the woods. They were peaceful, and I was able to scream my problems to it. The more I went there, the more I came out feeling more depressed and more like I wanted... to kill. I wanted death. Death to all. Every single last person. This is when I started planing what i would do on all Hallows. I went to the local market and got a mask. Then, I bought a cloak from online, and I stole my parents knives. on all hallows eve, i went into the forest. as i was researching ways to kill, i stumbled upon a poem written about a house in the middle off the woods.

Deep in the woods around mayland,
there is a house
of death, and evil
where killers lerk
and spirits scream in agony
he, the forest, will find you
will lead you to the house in the middle
and pleasure in your suffering
drip. drip. drip.
will go your blood
tisk. tisk. tisk.
will go the knives
as they tap on the walls
buh-bump. buh-bump. buh-bump.
will go your beating heart
as they tear it from your body
pat. pat. pat.
will go there feet
as they walk away from your corpse
and let your soul scream for eternity.

this interested me. a house "where killers lerk" as it said. where they tear hearts from bodys, and walk away to let your "soul scream for eternity." U think about it. If I can get to this "house of death and evil" and become like them, killers, my life would be complete. I know those who I hate always go into the woods for a party every year. I smile widely just thinking of their blood on the floorboards. Imagine them, dead in a chair, their bones reveled for all the world to see, their inside laid out on a silver plater. I would eat their hearts, destroying them. Every time I think of this my smile widens, and I walk around wondering what each of their hearts would taste like. Hers would taste sweet with a little bit of sour, like fruit candy. His would be thick and meaty, like stake. I get hungry every time I think about it.

It's 3 days till halloween, and I've heard so much about the party in the forest this year. "I heard there's going to be drugs there" I hear one kid say, talking about the party as I pass by. I shake my head and laugh quietly, knowing that the party will be crashed this year. I can almost hear their blood drip drip dripping on to the forest floor. I hate them;I hate them down to every fiber of my being.

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