Part 2: Into the Light

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   "It's time Ortensia." I say. She nods in affirmant. Every so often the light in the sky will get brighter, and a piece of the moon will be visible. I take her to the big hill to see it. Yen Sid told me that it was "Kingdom Hearts" and that it was 'the light.' I'm not one for magic, but I've been hoping that my plan will work by using energy from nearby sources and secondhand tricks from Yen Sid and emitting a ray to open a portal through Kingdom Hearts to get back to our world. Ortensia is a sweet girl, she shouldn't be in a place like this, nobody should. "Hey Oswald!" I hear. "Hey, Rodney! Anything new?" Rodney is the raccoon with bushy eyebrows that makes the calculations, so that I know when the time is right to put this plan into action. His eyebrows go up as he replies "Big news, this is the best so far!" he says. "Well, I suppose it really is time...ready Ortensia?" "R-Ready...NOW?! I don't even have my best skirt on!" I look at how beautiful she looks, I don't need fancy clothes to know that. "You look great, it's what we've been waiting for...let's do this, let's go home!" "Alright...but promise me, promise me that when we get back, we'll still see each other." "Consider it done." I say. "Here it goes!" I launch the beam with a push of a red button on the machine I've built. It's quite bulky but still runs well, I repaired it from scraps I've harvested from the goop. Mechanics have kind of always been my thing so the people of this land have relied on me to give this my best shot, and I've done just that. It fires out a beam of light. "Trajectory on course." Rodney tells me. "Stable." He continues. It hits the surface of the moon. "Bless my raccoon heart, we've done it!" A portal starts to open. I can't help but stare in awe. 

I snap out of it "We have one shot, we have to make the most of it. Everyone! We need to get to that portal, it could close at any time so we have to be quick if we are to get back home!" "Right!" Rodney salutes then heads for the broken fountain at the bottom of the hill. "I've been saving this for just this kind of situation." He pulls out a slingshot from the fountain and picks up a rock from the ground. "What in the world do you think that will do?!" one of the villagers angrily says. "This." Rodney shoots the rock at a target on a post sending a chain reaction ultimately leading up to unveiling a homemade catapult. "Nice job Rod!" I congratulate him. "Can we be sure it's safe?" Ortensia asks. I-I haven't thought of that, I mean it is a moon and all, anything could happen. Everyone starts questioning and panicking until finally I shout "I'll do it! I'll go first, if something happens to me then you have the machine, Rodney knows how it works, maybe there was a kink or something, but I'm not going to sit around and wait when I have a perfectly good opportunity to get back." Everyone stares in disbelief. "I started this, I'm going to finish it, fire when ready Rodney." I hop into the catapult. "Aye-Aye." without hesitation he pulls the lever and sends me flying. "Ye-Aghhhhh!!" I scream as I'm flying. "Here...I...GO!" I head into the portal."

I feel a crash and begin to open my eyes, I feel softness under my hands and feet, something I haven't felt in a long time. "GRASS!!" I celebrate and start to stand up to jump around but topple over. "Woah-haha" I look up into the sky. "It's so bright." "And man does that sun feel good." I remember my friends and hope they realize I'm okay. I look behind me to see the portal but not in the moon just randomly in the open...strange. Shortly after Ortensia crawls out. "Hunny-Bunny!" She runs up to greet me and hug. Soon everyone was out of 'the Lost Zone', the portal closed, and everything was just swell.

"Bout time you showed up." everyone has the same reaction "Wh-Huh?!" I see a man in a black coat and big spiky red hair . "My name's Merryweather" I go into defensive mode. "Everyone stay back." I get in front. "Woah-woah calm down, no need to get in a fuss, I was looking for you Oswald." I become startled but untense. "How- How do you know my name?" I question. "You see, I- or at least we, brought you here, well kind of, I've been trying for a while but we both needed to a door that needs unlocked on both sides." I scratch my ears. "I see...I'm flattered, but why?" "Simple, I-" I cut him off "Wait where are we?" he smirks"Master Yen Sid's tower of course, you know him right...maybe he should explain it to you." My eyes widen. I look back "Ortensia, can I trust you to take these fellows back home?" "Of course, don't be too long though." I wink and give a thumbs up.

Flora, Fauna and Yen Sid are at the top of the tower talking about the princesses of heart. "Look who I found" Merryweather says as Oswald jumps through the door. "Yen Sid!" I get excited over the fact I haven't saw him in so long. He looks in disbelief "Oswald!" "Where's Mickey?" I ask. He clears his throat. "He is helping one of the new keyblade wielders on their journey through Castle Oblivion." Yen Sid replies. "Wow, that must be crazy, bring me up to date." We sit there for a good amount of time while he explains the events that have happened between Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, and Kairi. 

"Wow!" I exclaim. "That's a bunch, but there's something I need to tell 'You' now." I tell him of my findings of Master Xehanort and how I think he was the one who brought the monster that sucked me up in the first place, as well as how I no longer have my keyblade. "Mhmm, very well, right now there is nobody available to investigate, but I'm sure once Mickey returns we can sort something out." I say "How long has he been gone?" "A little while now, you see, it's complicated, he shut the Door to Darkness, surely I mentioned it to you during your teachings." He asks. "Right, he's making his way back...Let me sit on this one, maybe I can help." Fauna joins in "Well there's a place I think I know you can stay at..." Yen Sid concerns saying "Yes, you must be very tired, let's continue this another time then, shall we?" I yawn then confirm that he's right.

I end up at a strange place called Traverse Town and stayed in this pretty nice hotel, at least compared to 'The Lost Zone' it was great. I stay around for about a week exploring the town and meeting some of the people. I went to visit Ortensia at her house in Disney Town. I walked in and the room smelled like roses. "Oswald, you're back, I knew you'd come." "Well.." I begin to giggle a little. "Can I get you something? Cake? Carrots? Carrot cake?" "Not right now...I actually came to talk." "Whatever could be wrong hunny-bun?" we sit on the couch. "Well you see..." I start scratching my ear. "I've come to the decision that I need to stay low for a while." Ortensia tenses up "Wait-What?!" "Don't worry, it's just because I don't want Xehanort to know I'm out is all, if he doesn't know, maybe I can recover a few plans..." "So I'm not going to see you..." Ortensia's eyes start to tear up and her face saddens. "Yeah, of course you will, just on occasion." "What about Mickey, you told me about him, maybe he could help." Ortensia suggests. "Well he's on a mission right now, which can take quite a while, so I might have to hide it from even him too once he comes back, it may draw too much attention and I don't want to but if there's a chance we could beat Xehanort, he might understand...besides I can do this, who knows it might be fun, I just don't want to put anyone in danger, especially you." Ortensia looks up and her face brightens a little again with a smirk. "Well...duty calls." Oswald kisses Ortensia and smiles as he's leaving out the door. He notifies Yen Sid of his plan. "You understand the means of this right? It's risky business, especially without your keyblade, and things have changed since you've been here." "I'm fully aware, consider it a learning experience."

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