Scarlett looked up from her phone. “What?”

“Nothing, uh never mind.”

“Alice. What happened?”

She sighed and looked down. “I saw Luke talking to some blonde chick.” Scarlett looked confused. “And then she kissed him.”

Scarlett’s eyes widened. “Wait what?! Are you serious?!”


“Let’s go find Michael.” Scarlett looked furious.


“We need to straighten this out.” She sharply turned around and motioned for Alice to follow.

They charged through the hallway. Lots of the students turned their heads. Scarlett didn’t seem to care. She was on a mission.

Both girls spotted Michael’s blue hair across the cafeteria.

“Mike!” Scarlett shouted.

He lifted his head and smiled. “Hey Scar, come here.”

Once they reached the table Scarlett asked him, “Why the hell was Luke kissing some blonde today?!”

Michael looked Alice up and down. “I don’t know… Didn’t you guys go on a date last night?”

Scarlett answered before Alice could open her mouth, “Yeah! They did. And now he’s kissing some hoe.”

Michael seemed to like Scarlett’s word choice by the look on his face. “Damn.” She glared at him. “Sorry. Well I can ask him when I see him.”

“Good.” Scarlett relaxed a little. “See you later babe.” She kissed him and turned to Alice, “Let’s go.”

“Okay…” Alice mumbled.

He probably would tell Michael that Alice was just a hot date. Nothing more.


Alice hadn’t stopped thinking about Luke all day. He was like a beautiful nightmare. She had thought that he would be the one to make her feel things she had never experienced. She thought he might be the one. But it was too good to be true. He could never feel something so rare for her, or maybe at all. Alice wanted to forget him, but she craved him.

She jumped when she heard her phone ring. She scrambled to find it in her mess of things on her bed. Alice didn’t see who it was before she answered.


“Hey… it’s Luke.”

Alice gulped and shut her eyes. As she breathed out she opened them again, wondering why he was calling.

“Oh hey.”

There was a slight pause.

“Uhmm so Michael told me you saw me with that girl this morning.”

“Uh huh.” Alice didn’t want to talk to him.

“Yeah… so I just, uh… wanted to clear things up.”

Alice waited for him to go on.

“Well her name is Zoe. We dated last year, and I broke it off before the summer.” He waited. “She was really upset about the break up and told me she hated me. She didn’t talk to me all summer. Then once school started again, she started texting me. And then today she came up to me and starting begging me to take her back, and she kissed me. She wanted to ‘make me remember what it was like when we were dating’. I didn’t kiss her back. And of course I told her no.”

Alice didn’t know what to say. She also didn’t know how she felt.

“Alice, I really like you okay.”

She knew that was hard for him to admit, despite their lack of history.

Alice felt like before she wasn’t able to breath and suddenly she could again.

“I really like you too.”

“Are you busy?” Luke questioned.

“What right now?”


“Uhmm not really…”

“Great. I’ll be at your house in ten minutes. See ya.”

He hung up before she had a chance to reply.

Alice stood feeling entirely confused. She tried to make her hair look good, because even though it looked better than this morning, it still wasn’t pretty enough to see Luke.

She sat waiting on the staircase across from her front door. Luke should be here any second. Alice checked her phone for a text from him, the screen blank. She had told him to text her when he arrived rather than coming to the door. It was late Monday night and her parents wouldn’t let her go out. Her phone buzzed, it was Luke saying he was here. She rushed out the door.

“Hi.” Alice said awkwardly as she got in Luke’s car.

Luke smiled at her, “ You’re in for an amazing night.”

Efflorescenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें