Marrinette's cousin (Adrien x Female Reader)

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Your P.O.V -

You smiled as you took in a big breath of Parisian air, before coughing when then planes gas fumes got in the way. Chuckling slightly you start walking away from the plane as more passengers are starting to get off. Once you grabbed you stuff, you began to wander around.

"(Y/N)!!!!" You jump at the sound of some one screaming your name across the lobby of the airport. Turning around with such speed that probably should of given you whiplash, you could see your favorite cousin Marrinette racing towards you.

Running up to meet her, she pulled you into a hug as soon as possible. " Calm down Mari, I'm right here. I was only gone for 3 and a half years, so it's now that big of a deal!" You said laughing as Mari let go of you. She just blinked and gave you a look that was a mix of horror and annoyance.

"Only 3 and 1/2 years and you say it's not a BIG DEAL?!?" She asked as she drug you over to her parents. Still laughing you hugged your aunt and uncle. Tom (Mari's dad) took your things as you chatted with Mari and her mother.

~small time skip brought to you by Bannanas~

Sitting in the balcony you smirked as the sun started to set behind the clouds and stars started to come out and play. Footsteps sounded from behind you and Mari spoke softly "It's good to have you back (N/N)." She put her hand on your shoulder causing you to turn around. "Come on mom said it's time for us to sleep especially if your going to start school tomorrow."

So you followed her down the trap door but paused to look back out at the setting sun, " Trust me Mari it's good to be back."

~ The Next Magical Day~

Once we arrived at school, Mari had already run off mumbling something about Ala or was it Alya? Anyway you walked after her seeing a familiar hat wearing DJ in her friend group. Nino had his back towards me and was talking to a blonde guy and a girl with glasses. Once you got close enough you signaled for Mari to keep quiet and you snuck up behind him and screamed "WAZ UP BUBBLES!!!

And Nino screamed like a little girl, laughing so hard you almost fell to the ground. Nino jumped and turned around as Marinette and the glasses girl started to giggle while the Blonde was trying to hold back his laugh.

"Dude not co- wait (Y/N) is that really you?!??" Nino asked incredulously while you nodded still laughing softly. He pulled you into a hug as the glasses chick asked Mari who you were.

"Well child in glasses, sorry I don't know your name but I am (Y/N) (L/N) THE AMAZING COUSIN OF MARINETTE!!!" You said proudly and shook the girls hand, she answered back with a laugh "Well amazing cousin of Marinette, I am Alya owner of the Ladyblog and resident blogger of Paris!"

You gasped and practically squealed as you pulled her in for a hug "Your the girl who runs the Ladyblog?!?!?! I am literally on that website all the time!" So you and Alya started to fangirl about the blog and Ladybug/Chat Noir with Marinette joining in the convo a little.

After a few minutes you felt something or someone tap you know the shoulder. Turning around you saw the Blonde guy from earlier smiling sheepishly at you, " Sorry for interrupting you but I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Adrien Agreste."

Looking him up and down you reply "So your the kid Marrinette keeps telling me about. Anyway I if you haven't guessed I'm (Y/N)!"


"And that little one is how I met your mommy" Adrien whispered to your pregnant belly. You just smiled and grabbed his hand.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


I hope you like my first oneshot, I know it's kinda cliche but what can you do?

Anyway you know what to do so






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