Chapter 59: The Day They Returned To Their Hometown

Start from the beginning

He sniffles and looks out the window, his eyes widening when he sees a familiar figure in the clouds. He gasps as the figure becomes more clear. Jenna, wearing a beautiful white dress, is staring at him with a gentle smile on her face. She mouths "I love you," causing tears to fall from James's eyes. As the plane starts speeding downward, she fades away.

"Jenna!" He cries out. "Jenna, don't go!"

Brooke notices that he's having a meltdown, but she can't do anything until they land. She watches in despair as James rests his forehead against the glass window and sobs. She's silently begging for the plane to hurry up and land, so she can comfort her baby boy. She can't stand to see him like this and she's desperate to hand Kenzie over to someone else for a moment, so she can give her son a hug.

Finally, the plane speeds down the runaway and comes to a stop. She looks at Chris, who unbuckles her seatbelt and walks over to them, taking Kenzie from Brooke's arm. Brooke carefully pulls James away from the window and into her arms, letting him cry into her shoulder. She kisses the top of his head and rubs his back, flinching his cries become louder.

"James?" Logan asks worried. He, Kendall, and Carlos kneel by Brooke's seat, reaching out to James.

"Bud, what got you so upset?" Kendall asks worriedly.

"I saw her!" James sobs.

"Who?" Carlos asks him.

"Jenna!" James cries. "She was right outside the window! She told me that she loves me!"

Kendall, Carlos, Logan, and Brooke all look at each other with tearful eyes.

"She does love you, buddy." Kendall says, squeezing James's shoulder.

"How can she?" James whimpers. "Because of me, she has no future! She's never gonna get to enjoy being a mother, she's never gonna finish college or become a school counselor, she's never gonna do anything!"

"James, how can you say that?" Logan asks him.

"If she had never met me, she would still be alive!" James says weakly, pulling away from his mom's embrace. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"Jay, it's not your fault." Brooke says gently. "You shouldn't have any regrets about her meeting you. I know that you enjoyed every minute that you got to spend with her. You two were so happy together. If Jenna had never went to that meet and greet, those memories that you made with her would have never happened. I know that thsoe memories are special to you."

"Let's get off this plane." Kendall says, grabbing Kenzie's carrier. James nods and stands up, wiping his tears away. He follows them off the plane and realizes how weird it feels to be back in Minnesota. They have to drive four hours to get to Grand Marais. There's only a small part of him that is happy to be here. The biggest part of him misses Los Angeles and all of the friends he made. It would have been too painful for him to stay, though. Eventually, he might visit LA, but he needs to get away from it for a while.

"Let's go, Jay." Chris tells him. James takes Kenzie's carrier from Kendall, who quietly tells him that they'll meet up at his mom's house.

Jo looks at the latest issue of US Weekly with tears in her eyes. There are two articles that are really getting to her. One is very heartbreaking and the other is just...Well, Jo doesn't even know. Many gossip websites, magazines, and news channels are talking about Jenna's death and the disbanding of Big Time Rush. Most of them got the facts pretty accurate, but some say things that aren't even true. But Jo secretly loves reading US Weekly, so she buys every new issue that comes out. The one she's reading right now? It's definitely her least favorite.

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