.:The Sorting Hat:.

Start from the beginning

   That wasn't a strange way to meet a person at all.

.......... Time Skip to Arrival at Hogwarts ..........

   When we arrived at Hogwarts, a very, very tall man was there to greet us. Harry was to greet him:

   "HI, HAGRID!"

   After that, we got into the boats and sailed to Hogwarts across the water. Harry and Ron sat with me on the boat, along with another person (it was a four-person boat). I am not very used to boats so I held onto Harry's arm, looking down at the murky water below us. He noticed me looking at the water with an unreadable look in my eyes. All I really cared about is that he didn't seem to mind me holding on to him with a death grip.

   Ron started to tease Harry about something, but I didn't really hear because I was watching something in the water. Was that a person? WAS IT A MERMAID??

   We finally got to the school, and when I got to the entrance of the school, my eyes widened as I slowly took in the sight. It was truly beautiful, but then again, it's a school so...

   We then went inside the castle and I gasped; the castle looked better than it did on the outside!! I looked around at the painting and torches when suddenly I heard someone approaching me, Ron, and Harry. Looking up, I see a boy with platinum blond hair approaching us.

   "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," he said with a smirk. There was a quiet chatter throughout the room.

   "This is Crabbe and Goyle," he gestured, "And I'm Malfoy; Draco Malfoy," he said. Ron laughed a bit at this.

   "Think my name's funny, do you? Planning for me to ask for yours? Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco said, turning to Ron. Ron quickly stopped and looked at the floor. Draco snapped his head back to Harry and my direction at lightning speed. If I did that I would get a concussion...

   "Well, some are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," he said, nodding towards Ron. Ron looked at the floor in embarrassment.

   "You also don't want to go around and hang out with girls who don't give you anything... at least not... this," he says nodding towards me. I scoot a couple inches from Harry, heat rising to my cheeks. I have no idea why I didn't do anything. Maybe I'm just not used to people saying I can't be friends with someone?? Harry looks at me then at Draco. I saw a slight anger in his eyes, though it was obvious he didn't want to show it.

   "I can help you there," Draco says, holding out his hand to shake. Harry stared at Draco's hand and so did I. Was he going to abandon me and Ron? Or was he going to stay with us?

   "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," Harry said.

   A teacher, which was known as Professor McGonagall as I later figured out, had just walked up to us and seeing Draco had his back turned, she tapped him with a scroll of parchment paper that she had been holding. She gestured for him to stand back where he was and Draco looked at her, Harry, then at me, before walking off to stand in his place between Crabbe and Goyle. I looked over at Draco, but he caught my glance and sneered at me. I quickly turned away. Soon, however, I forgot all about Draco when I remembered that it was sorting time. I was so excited!! Was I brave like a Gryffindor? Loyal like a Hufflepuff? Intelligent like a Ravenclaw? Or cunning like a Slytherin? I knew now that I wasn't a Slytherin (a/n - I'm so sorry if you're a Slytherin...) because Draco seemed more like the Slytherin type. Suddenly, a toad hopped out from the crowd.

   "Trevor!!" I heard a boy exclaim as he ran to the front to grab the toad. I assumed that was Neville, the boy Hermione was talking about earlier. I walked to the right of Harry and the left of Ron as we entered the Great Hall. Me, Harry, and Ron looked at the ceiling in awe. It looked exactly like the sky outside. Hermione, who was walking behind us, saw us looking up at the ceiling.

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