(1) Simple

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[Chapter One]Callie's POV

“Darling, hush.” Momma whispered in a soothing voice. “There's no need to cry, everything will be fine. Hushh.”

           I burst into more tears from jusy hearing her speak. I couldn't help myself, my whole body was shaking an earthquake. The doctor said this was her last week. For all I know she could be dead by tomorrow.

           “Oh, my poor baby. Come here, I know, I know.” She pulled me into her arms, softly rubbing the small of my back. I stopped my intense cries and bit my lip. I looked up at her. I was suppose to be strong for her, but here I am, crying my eyes out on her shoulder.

           “I'm sorry Callie.” Her health was proceeding to get worse everyday. “I'm so sorry I can't make you breakfast in the morning, or teach you ballet. I'm sorry I can't tuck you in bed at night, and soothe you when your sick.”

           I started hiccuping, trying to stop the tears roll out. I pulled away, wiping my face dry with the sleeve of Meme's sweater she gave to me. But it was no use, the tears just kept streaming out making my face damp again.

           She's dying. Right in front of me.

           “I'm so sorry Callie. I wish I could have been a mother to you,” she croaked. It sounded like every word she spoke hurt her immensely.

           “I'll sing you a song.” She smiled sadly. I saw she was starting to tear up too.

           I swallowed down the knot in my throat and blinked the tears away. “Okay.”

          Dance little baby, dance up high,

          Never mind, baby, mother is by;

          Crow and caper, caper and crow,

          There, little baby, there you go.

          Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,

          Backwards and for wards, round and round;

          Dance, little baby, and mother will sing

          With the merry coral, ding, ding, ding!

           “There, there.” She looked at me with her soft coal eyes. You would have never known her eyes used to be the brightest blue, that always resonated off hope and happiness.

           I curled up snugly next to her in her bed. The beds were thin, and were no where comfortable. After a few minutes there were a few quiet clicks, and I knew it was Meme and Pepe. I looked over at them. They both gave me a painful look. I returned a frown. They started whispering to each other before Pepe came over to my side of the bed with a worried look.

           “Hey kiddo. Want to go fetch something to eat?”

           “I want to stay here,” I gave him a stubborn look. He could not possibly make me, these could be Momma's last hours.

           “I know you do. But you haven't eaten at all.”

           “I'm not hungry.” I held on to Momma tighter. She continued to run her shaky hands through my hair. Worried that even the slightest movement would hurt her, I place my hand onto hers giving them a gentle squeeze.

           I watch her as she exchange looks at her parents, as if coming to a silent agreement. Meme and Pepe sat at the other side of the bed and the only noise was the hushed beeping of the monitor. Momma continued humming the soft tune of the same song. She always sang it to me every time I visited her.

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