Chapter I: The Arrivals

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Harry Potter just got out of his class in his 5th year, he's now dating Ginny for 2 months now! Harry told his twin sister (of whom nobody knows about besides him, Hagrid and the other professors) Haley about him, Ginny, Hermione and Ron and boy, oh boy was she happy! She was so pleased to see that her twin brother has a girlfriend now, she is currently living with Draco's parents who are very happy that she is there for when Draco was at school, and they were even happier when they found out that she was announced a prefect and she's going back to Hogwarts for what was supposed to be her 3rd year since her first two years at Hogwarts were spent in the hospital after she found herself in stage 1 of Leukemia but now she was a proud survivor and she will be able to see her beloved brother finally.

Haley's POV:

Narcissa: Yes! And we're very happy for you to finally be able to spend time with Harry
Lucious: Say hi to Draco for us will you?
Haley: Of course I will!

They hugged me goodbye and I left for platform nine and three-quarters, I barely boarded the Hogwarts Express
When it started to move, I went in an empty compartment, put on my headphones and sat there as I looked over the plains of grassy hills and beautiful violet flowers we were passing, I almost didn't notice a young girl poking her head into my compartment, she looked like My age (she was 13 at the time, same age as Harry)

Young girl: E-Excuse me, Do you mind? E-Everybody else's c-compartments a-are already full
Me:(takes of headphones) of course!

The girl smiled and sat down

Young girl: Your very pretty
Me: (smiling) thank you!

I am Harry's twin and both of us shared the good looks, I have Raven black hair like Harry, midnight blue eyes, but instead of my brother's wild and scruffy hair, I had straight, smooth and silky hair and I had natural rosy cheeks that made me look like a supermodel or atleast, that's what people have always told me, anyway It was always a nice compliment so I didn't mind. Besides, this is going to be the first full year that I get to spend with Harry, and no matter what! I will try my hardest to make him proud, and I know he will be.

Young girl: I'm Riley by the way, Hermione's twin sister and yet her polar opposite
Me: I'm Haley, Harry's twin sister

Riley's eyes went wide

Riley: (regaining her moment of thought) So do both of you have...

Riley looked around making sure no one was listening.

Riley: The scar?
Me:(giggling) yeah! I do!

I brushed away my side-bangs and showed her the scar.

Riley: Wow!

I smiled

Me: We better put on our robes now, we're already 30 minutes away from Hogwarts
Riley: Ok, but one question, do your scars hurt when one of you is in trouble?
Me:(looks at her)...Yes

Harry's POV:

I've been sitting with the other Gryffindors in the Great hall for about an hour now, excited to see my twin sister after a year.

Ginny:(looks at her boyfriend) Harry... Are you okay?
Me:(looks at Ginny with a HUGE grin on his face) I'm doing great!

Ginny smiled, she had never seen me THIS happy before, besides the time when I asked her to be my girlfriend. Me and Ginny kept talking when Ron was trying to get my attention.

Ron: Harry

No answer

Ron: Harry!

Still no answer

Ron: HARRY?!
Me: Oh my bloody god mate i'm not dead!
Hermione: Yet

Ginny giggled, George and Fred were laughing their butts off, Hermione was snickering and Ron just beamed.

Ron: They're coming soon

Haley's POV:

The Hogwarts Express came to a stop, that must mean...

Riley: WE'RE HERE!!!

I would've flied in swirls of excitement but of course I didn't, me and Harry were gifted amazing things for Christmas, he got the invisibility cloak (that we both share) and I got an amulet that gives me the ability to fly! Even though I can fly, I still like going for a broom.

Hagrid: All right! come along now first and second years! Yeh don't want teh make McGonagall mad now do yeh?
Me: Hello Hagrid!
Hagrid:(smiles) Hello 'Aley! Feelin better I presume?
Me: Yup!
Hagrid: It's nice to see you back 'ere at Good ol 'ogwarts
Me: It's nice to be back!

Hagrid brought me and the first and second years (Who I can only presume couldn't come because of health issues either) to several boats big enough to hold 5 of us including Hagrid, we were just rowing across the giant lake that surrounded Hogwarts, I told Riley about my amulet before on the Hogwarts Express and now she's bombarding me with questions! When we finally reached the steps leading inside of Hogwarts, everyone was buzzing with excitement! I saw the giant door that was the only obstacle between me and Harry, I wasn't excited because I was back, I was excited to see Harry again! Then a woman wearing a pointy witch's hat and a long dark purple robe was standing before us, and started giving her opening remarks, and I was practically DYING of boredom, although this is excruciatingly and painfully boring, don't worry Harry I'll be there soon.

Harry Potter And Haley Potter... Twins Of The ScarWhere stories live. Discover now