Chapter 4: Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Start from the beginning

   As he looked through his stats, Loki noticed that he had one skill other than the skill of the Felnin. Furthermore the skill was extremely interesting, gaining skills or traits of a monster if he consumed them.

   "Now that's awesome, but could backfire if i'm not careful." He simply thought to himself.

   Closing the window, Loki stood up and readied himself to begin a new life. But right before he set off, a window jumped up in front of him.


New title awarded:
The First Khaotic
+10 to all stats when equipped
+2000 Fame

   After reading through the window he closed it, then immediately went into his menu and equipped the title. Finally ready to move Loki set off for the hills in the distance. As he walked through the field he could feel the wind flying past him, he could feel the touch of the grass, it all felt so real.

   "If I didn't know any better I would think that this is real." Loki thought to himself.

   He climbed up the hill and looked out over the horizon, seeing only that the hills quickly fade into sand and stone. Beyond that lies a great ocean, it's waters stretching as far as his eyes could see. Upon planning what he should do next Loki walked down to the beach, looking up and down the coast line. In the distance he noticed that the coast seemed to curve. Soon he realized where Loki's life began.

   "I'm on an island."

   After taking a moment to take out my map he started walking down the beach, following every twist and turn. It took him the rest of the day, but after many hours of walking Loki had mapped out the outer edge of the island. Although most of it went smoothly, there were times when he would have to climb a cliff, or cross a river to move forward. He also took notes of places that could seem useful, such as a fortress in ruins along the western side of the island. As it became dark he moved inland just enough to find a suitable camp. After about fifteen minutes of searching Loki found a clearing that was protected by walls of thick trees.

   By using a couple dead tree trunks, branches, and vine he was able to construct a tent of sorts. After finishing the tent he gathered moss from the surrounding trees and made a makeshift bed, then Loki used the cloth that came with his bag as a blanket. Pleased with his work he went to bed just as the sun was setting, already planning his next move.

   Waking up late the next morning, Loki stood on the edge of the clearing. Thinking that he had been in here too long and would definitely be in trouble he went into the menu to logout, only to realize there was no logout option.

   "How could I not notice that, does that mean I'm trapped here? But why would Prophet Corp trap it's subjects inside the game? Could this have been their plan from the beginning?" Thinking about the situation Loki realized he had no choice but to keep going.

   Closing the menu he focused on the fortress in the distsnce. One section seemed to have been destroyed, but most of it was intact. Loki tightened his pack and began to head towards the ruins. It wasn't long before he encountered his first enemy, a lone wolf searching for food inside a small forest. Loki drew his sword and crouched down as he neared the wolf trying to conceal his presence.

   ~New Art learned: Art of Stealth
   ~New Skill learned: Conceal Presence

   Loki quickly read over what he had acquired then closed the window. As he sneaked closer to the wolf he readied myself to attack. Once Loki believed it was within range he pounced onto the wolf, delivering a deadly blow to it's head. It howled in pain as he ripped his sword through it's neck, decapitating the wolf. Loki cleaned his sword and another set of windows opened in front of him.

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