Chapter 52: One Day In Her Third Month

Start from the beginning

"Hey, will you idiots back off?" Lacey snaps as she gets into the backseat of Camille's car. Jenna gets into the front passengers seat, anxiously waiting for Camille to start the car. She was already uncomfortable with the photographers, but she's even more nervous now that she's pregnant. She and James are both protective of their baby.

"They are so annoying." Lacey mutters as they leave the parking lot.

"Yeah, but when someone becomes a celebrity, it's just something that they have to deal with." Camille tells her. "Jenna, you're still eating?"

Jenna is finishing the last of her pizza rolls. She feels a little better now that she has ate something, but she's really craving a coke. James bought her some caffeine free Coca Cola and she really wants one. They aren't as good as regular cokes, but James is paranoid and refuses to let her drink any caffeine. He's so overprotective now. When she wants to go for a swim, James has to be with her at all times. Sometimes she feels like he's smothering her, but she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Yeah?" Jenna shrugs.

"Won't that just make you get fatter?"

Jenna throws the empty plastic bag at Lacey, but it doesn't really do anything. It slowly floats onto her best friend's lap. She rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her tummy, rubbing it gently. She has six months left until this baby is born. She can't to see her sweet little boy or girl. She would really like to have a girl, but she'll be just as happy with a boy.

"Okay, why do you look so exhausted?" Kendall asks, sitting next to James on the couch.

"Jenna sent me to the store at one thirty last night because she wanted pizza bagels." James yawns. "Then she started crying because she felt like a horrible person for waking me up, so I had to calm her down."

He closes his eyes, desperate for a few minutes of sleep. He loves Jenna and he's excited about their baby, but Jenna's cravings and mood swings are tiring him out. He just wants to hold his son or daighter in his arms. He can't believe that they still have six months left. He doesn't want Jenna going into premature labor, but he can't wait until the next six months pass and their baby is born. James loves babies and he's thrilled that he and Jenna are finally gonna get one of their own.

"Do you realize what it's gonna be like after the baby is born?" Logan asks him. "You and Jenna are probably gonna wake up two or three times a night because the baby will start crying."

"We'll be fine." James insists.

"We're here!" Jenna says happily. She sits on James's lap and kisses his cheek, giggling when he puts his hand on her tummy. He lovingly rubs her stomach, still trying to believe the fact that his child is in there. Jenna is expecting his baby, his son or daughter. They've wanted marriage and children for a while and now it's finally happening.

He lifts her shirt so her stomach is bare. He smiles at the sight of her baby bump. She's not very big yet, but she's definitely starting to get a small baby bump. It's the most beautiful sight that he has ever seen. His child is in there. His sweet little angel is growing in there. Really, he can't wait until he or she arrives. He can't wait to meet their baby.

"I love you." He coos to her tummy.

"Dogs, let's get back to work!" Gustavo tells them. James pulls Jenna's shirt back down and they follow Gustavo to the recording studio. The guys enter the recording booth, while Jenna sits next to Gustavo. James gives Jenna a huge smile as he puts his headphones on, laughing as she blows a kiss in his direction. He pretends to "catch" it and put it in his jeans pocket.

"Hey, what does this button do?" Lacey asks, reaching for the sound board. Gustavo lightly taps her hand and she pulls it back, frowning at him.

"Don't touch anything." He says calmly. "Dogs, let's work on the new song!"

"You guys were amazing!" Jenna says, hugging James's waist.

"Yeah, you guys were really good." Camille agrees.

As they reach the exit, James wraps a protective arm around her. He kisses the top of her head and follows his bandmates out the door. Of course, a few paparazzi are waiting for them. Jenna feels him tensing up as the photographers snap pictures of his wife and ask questions about their personal life. To make sure that his irritation doesn't get the best of him, she gently rubs his lower back. That usually soothes him.

She came to Rocque Records with Camille and Lacey, but she's gonna ride home with the guys in the limo. She crawls into the vehicle first and the guys follow soon after. She puts her shopping bag on the car floor, then looks at James.

"You don't need to be so anxious." She whispers, kissing his cheek. She rests her face against his cheek for a moment, giggling at the feeling of his slightly scruffy face. When he doesn't shave for a while, he gets a little bit of stubble. It actually looks cute, as long as he doesn't actually grow a beard. She thinks a little scruff is fine, but she prefers him without a lot of facial hair.

"You don't need photographers harrassing you." He says, rubbing her stomach.

"The baby is fine." Jenna reassures him. James looks apprehensive, but he doesn't argue. She places another kiss on his cheek, then rests her head on his shoulder. She loves having a protective guy as her baby's dad, but she hopes that James doesn't get too crazy. When Katie tried to spend time with Kyle, James went overboard. Jenna being pregnant only gives him another reason to be more protective than he needs to be.

"I'm fine, daddy!" Jenna says in a baby voice, trying to make her husband laugh. He usually cracks him when Jenna makes their child talk, since he or she can't do it themselves yet.

"Oh my gosh." James laughs, covering his face with his hands.

"I know it would work." Jenna says proudly, hugging his bicep.

When they arrive at the Palm Woods, they are lucky enough to not be bothered by paparazzi. Kendall carries Jenna's shopping bag, since they all seem to believe that Jenna's pregnant body can't handle one bag of clothes. That's the problem! James rarely allows her to carry anything on her own, she can only drink caffeinated coke, and she can't take showers (Only baths) because James is afraid that she'll slip and fall. She knows that he has good intentions, but his overprotective nature can get kind of annoying.

"Guys, I can carry my own bag." She says calmly.

"You need to be really careful." James reminds her.

Jenna shakes her head as they enter the elevator.

"Guys, I'm pregnant." She says adamantly. "I'm not dead."

"Baby, we just want to make sure that you and the baby are safe." James says, wrapping his arms around her. Even though she's still kind of annoyed, she has to smile at how caring he is. She hugs his waist and enjoys beings in his arms. She doesn't mean to sound unappreciative, but she would like to keep some of her independence.

"I'm sorry if I sound like a brat." She says as they exit the elevator.

"You're not a brat." James says, kissing the top of her head.

"Aww, I love you, Jay."

"I love you, too." James smiles. "And I love our baby."

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