Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together

Start from the beginning

"Speaking of the Jennifers..." Carlos says when the three girls walk out to the pool area. His friends roll their eyes as he eagerly rushes toward the Jennifers.

"Aaaah!" Tyler exclaims, waving his arms. James and Jenna laugh at his cuteness, smiling at the sweet baby. He has the cutest blonde hair and green eyes. He looks so much like his parents.

"It's such a beautiful day." James smiles, cuddling the little guy against his chest.

"How was he?"

They look up to see McKenna, a cheerful smile on her face.

"He was great." James says, handing Tyler to his mom.

"Thanks for watching him!" McKenna says before walking back into the building.

"Hey, let's go for a swim." James says, grabbing Jenna's hand. He leads her over to the pool and they slowly gets into the water. He shivers at the coldness, but tries to avoid showing it. He has a tendency to wanna act super manly in front of Jenna, so he always tries to act like the coldness doesn't bother him. And he certainly won't let her see him crying during a sad movie. Unfortunately, Jenna has gotten pretty good at reading his mind. When he turns around to look at her, she has an amused smile on her face.

"Aww, you're cold." She says, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"No, I'm not." James denies, kissing her cheek.

"Liar." Jenna whispers.

James groans and buries his face in her shoulder. Finally, he decides to turn this into something fun. If she wants to tease him, he'll pick on her. So he lifts her into his arms and spins around, refusing to put her down even when she asks him to. They get some wierd looks from older Palm Woods guests, but they're completely oblivious. They're just having a little fun.

"Stop!" Jenna squeals as James places kisses all over her face. She tries to escape his grip, but he's just too strong for her. Seriously, she should really work out more.

"Sorry, not gonna happen."

"You're a-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence." James laughs, his nose barely touching hers.

"Oh, really? You're a-" Jenna doesn't get to finish because James chooses that moment to kiss her. Well, she actually doesn't mind that. She loves when James kisses her, so she's not gonna complain. Although, he did pick her up against her will, but she'll forgive him for that. It's hard to stay annoyed with him. All he has to do is smile and look at her with those adorable hazel eyes.

Jenna screams/laughs as James chases her around the apartment. They spent a few hours at the pool, then came back to the apartment with their friends. They took showers and got changed into some comfortable clothes (Jeans and James's hockey jersey for Jenna, jeans and a hoodie for James). Then Jenna tried to study for her History test. but James started to get bored, so he decided to annoy the heck out of Jenna. Finally, she gave up on studying and they started talking. Then they started teasing each other and it ended with James chasing Jenna around.

"Okay, calm down, you two!" Ms Knight laughs.

"Sorry." James and Jenna say in unison. He smiles as he pokes Jenna's tummy, laughing as she slaps his bicep. Jenna giggles as she steps backwards, while James slowly walks toward her. She tries to run away, but he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her back. He drags her toward the living room, where Katie and the other guys are sitting. They're planning to watch New Town High:The Movie. It was filmed before Jo left the series. They don't even know why Kendall wants to see it, but he said that he didn't care.

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