Chapter 30: The Night They Spent In Rio

Start from the beginning

"It's the only thing I have left of him." James says softly. "He took the rest of his stuff with him."

Jenna hands the comb to James and wraps her arms around his waist, giving him a comforting hug. What else doesn't she know about him? It seems like she's always learning something new about this guy. For example, it was a few months ago when she became aware of the "Camp Wonky Donkey incident." Some girl named Heather Fox gave James a note that said she liked Carlos, but he threw it away and never told Carlos. Then he helped Carlos get in touch with Heather, which Jenna thought was really sweet.

"I think the beach will make you feel better." She says, giving him a squeeze.

"Yeah." James agrees, putting his comb in his pocket. "Let's go."

Jenna kisses James over and over again as they lay on the sandy beach. Each kiss is full of love, smiles on both faces. Jenna lets her fingers become tangled in James's hair as their lips touch, enjoying every minute of it. The beach is quiet, which makes their time together even more special. It reminds her of their first date at the beach in Los Angeles. The way they barely knew each other, yet they felt so comfortable being together. Now that they've gotten to know each other a lot better, their dates are even more fun.

She places kisses on his jaw and neck, then lets her lips touch his once again. Her thumb strokes his cheek as she stares at his beautiful eyes. She gets distracted by the hazel eyes, so James is able to surprise her with a kiss to her cheek.

"What should we do now?" She whispers.

"Keep making out." James suggests with a grin. Jenna rolls her eyes and kisses him again, then stands up. She reaches for his hand and pulls him off the ground, eagerly pulling him closer. Their fingers become intertwined as they look at each other, unsure of what they should do next. They've spent the past ten, maybe fifteen, minutes on kissing.

"Let's just go for a walk." Jenna suggests, linking her arm with his. They start walking down the beach, not saying a word. Jenna wonders if James hates his dad as much as he says. Maybe he does feel angry, but if he really hated the man, he wouldn't have kept that comb. She knows that his dad hurt him, but maybe he really does love his dad.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks.

"Yeah." James shrugs.

"Do you really hate your dad that much?" Jenna asks him. "Because it doesn't seem like you would keep that comb if you dated the man. Of course, you don't have to answer my question, but I would really like to know."

"I guess I don't." James sighs. "I mean, he's my dad, but I just feel angry that he was so quick to find someone else. I thought that he and my mom really loved each other, then I started to notice that they were fighting more and more. Toward the end of their marriage, my dad even started sleeping on the couch. Then he finally decided to move out. Of course, my mom filed for a divorce. After three months, my dad told us that he was seeing someone. Ten months after the divorce, he announced that he and Kara were engaged."

Jenna decides to drop the conversation. She doesn't want to talk about sad things. All she wants is to have a romantic date with her boyfriend. The last thing she wants is to upset James by talking about the divorce. They should be having a good time right now, rather than talking about negative stuff. The last time she tried to talk about his dad, they ended up fighting.

"The beach looks beautiful tonight." She says, looking at her surroundings.

"It does." James agrees.

"Hey, you wanna go back to the hotel? I'm getting kind of sleepy."

"Yeah." James yawns. "I'm tired, too."

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