Chapter 29: The Night James Showed His Insecurity

Start from the beginning

"Christopher Landon Diamond or Mackenzie Marie Diamond." Jenna says thoughtfully. "Which one will it be?"

"I can't wait until we're twenty/twenty one years old, so we can get married." James tells her, holding her right hand. He looks at the promise ring on her hand, longing for the day that he can get her a real engagement ring. Jenna has already talked about what kind of wedding she dreams of having. She wants an elegant wedding, with lilac and white as her colors. And James cannot wait to see her in a wedding dress.

"But we probably should wait until we're old enough." Jenna tells him. "Just another year or two."

"Yeah." James says softly.

"Hey, I think the guys were gonna hang out in the lobby." Jenna says, giving him a kiss. "Let's go!"

"Kay." James says as he eats the last cracker. He sits the empty plate and can of cheese on the bedside table, then takes Jenna's hand and walks out of the room. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and kisses the top of her head. This has been a really fun tour, full of memories. When they were performing in Rome yesterday, Logan did his backflip and almost fell, but he somehow managed to catch himself. It was really noticeable, though. They're surprised that he didn't sprain his ankle or something. It would have been easy to do, but he managed to land without hurting himself.

"Promise me that you won't flirt with any italian dudes while we're here." James says, kissing her temple. Jenna just rolls her eyes in response as they leave the elevator. He's probably gonna be all paranoid for the rest of the tour, so she'll have to keep telling him that he's the only guy that she'll ever love. She just doesn't know how he can be so insecure.

"Baby, I won't." Jenna says, rubbing his back.

In the lobby, their friends are already waiting. There's a couch in front of the TV and Logan, Mercedes, and Jennifer have already taken a seat, while Kendall and Carlos are sitting on the floor. Apparently, the floor is the only seat that is still available. James sits on the floor and lets Jenna sit in front of him, then he pulls her closer and starts playing with her hair. She surpresses a giggle as he kisses the nape of her neck, affectionately rubbing her shoulders.

"Hey, are we ever going to New Zealand?" Kendall asks.

"Not for this tour." Carlos says sympathetically.

Kendall sighs in disappointment. Everyone can see that he's still depressed about his breakup with Jo. She has been in New Zealand for a week now and she has only called Kendall two times. She's so busy with filming that she doesn't have a lot of time to talk to her friends. Everyone has been trying to think of ways to cheer him and Carlos even suggested that he go on a date with Lacey, which earned him a weird look from Kendall and everyone else. For one thing, Lacey isn't Kendall's type. Secondly, she has been seeing some other guy for the past month. They aren't really boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but they go out on dates.

"Maybe he'll schedule some dates in New Zealand for the next tour." Jenna tells him.

"I doubt it." Kendall groans, falling onto his back.

"Don't be so down about it." Jennfier tells him. "I mean, Jo isn't that hot anyway. That "Oh, I'm so innocent" act is so fake."

"JENNIFER!" Everyone except Kendall shouts.

"Okay, she was the prettiest girl at the Palm Woods and she's a very sweet person." Kendall mutters.

"Yeah, she's way prettier than you." Mercedes adds. "But not as pretty as me. She's kind of in the middle. You know, she's cute but not super hot."

James shakes his head as he rubs Jenna's shoulders, silently questioning the sanity of the two girls. Some girls can be so wierd. Girls like Jenna and Lacey are pretty normal, then there's Mercedes and Jennifer, who seem to place so much emphasis on looks and who's more popular. James can care about those things too, but he's nothing like Mercedes and Jennifer.

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