Chapter 19: The Day Jenna Moved Into Her Dorm

Start from the beginning

"Okay, the TV is almost mounted." Will says as he picks the TV up, carefully putting on the TV mount. The TV is mounted on a wall in front of the beds, so all Jenna and Lacey have to do is sit up in bed and they'll be able to see it.

"Thanks, daddy." Jenna says as she starts helping Lacey make their beds.

"Hey, what is that?" Lacey whispers, noticing the ring on Jenna's finger.

"A promise ring." Jenna quietly responds.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that." Lacey says as she puts her pillows on her bed. "Are you gonna tell your parents and sister?"

"Sure." Jenna sighs. "Um, Mom? Dad? Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, baby." Mandy smiles, squeezing her daughter.

"Okay, mom, you can let go." Jenna says, breathing as her mom stops suffocating her. She looks at James for approval. She doesn't want to tell her family about the ring unless he's okay with it. But when he nods, she goes ahead. "James gave me a promise ring."

"Really?" Chris says in surprise, looking at Jenna's left hand.

"Jenna, you two might as well get engaged already." Will complains.

"Daddy, it's like a pre engagement." Jenna assures him. "We won't be getting married for quite a while."

"Good, because you're both much too young." Mandy says, messing with her daughter's hair.

"Well, it's done." Logan says that night, looking around the dorm room.

Pink and purple striped bedding on Jenna's bed, black and red striped bedding on Lacey's bed, a huge TV, the desks (Complete with Apple computers), the closet is filled with their clothes, all of their hygiene items are in the bathroom, and their blender, microwave, and other kitchen utensils are where they belong. In the large space between the beds, there are two bean bag chairs (Lime green for Jenna, orange for Lacey.) Just in case they want to sit on the floor and do homework or watch TV.

"This place is awesome." Lacey says, admiring the room. "Now all we need to get a few really awesome college friends and party it up. Aw man, I should've gotten a disco ball." When Mr. Harper glares at her, she knows that she needs to shut up. They're trusting Jenna and Lacey to be responsible, so throwing a dorm party might not be such a good idea. It's too bad, though. Wait a minute. Once everyone leaves, they're free. Maybe they can have a dorm party! Who ever said that their parents have to know about it? Lacey's mom wouldn't care, but Jenna's parents are a lot different. They actually pay attention to their daughter.

"Please don't hang out with the wild kids." Mandy pleads. "Some people like drink a lot, but remember that you're here to get an education. Lacey, you may not be my daughter, but I'm also talking about you. I'm just giving you girls a little bit of advice. It's okay to have a little fun, but be careful not to have too much fun. Because that can be dangerous."

"Mom, we'll be fine." Jenna insists.

"Okay, then." Mandy nods.

Jenna and Lacey begin saying goodbye to Mr. Harper, Mrs, Harper, and Chris. It's a pretty emotional goodbye, but soon the Harper family has left, leaving Jenna, Lacey, and the guys on their own.

"Okay, I think the Hollywood Super Party Kings Of Hollywood can help you with that party thing." Carlos tells Lacey. The two high five and they all watch in confusion as Carlos runs out into the hallway. This could either be very good or very bad. Carlos is very...unpredictable. No one ever knows if he's gonna do something really cool or really dangerous.

"PARTY!" The boy shouts. Excited whoops and cheers are heard as a few college students run down the hallway and soon a small group has filled the room

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