Chapter 16: The Night Of The Pop Tiger Awards

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"Ready?" Kelly asks them.

"Yeah." They all say. The driver opens the door for them and they step out of the limo. They wave at their fans and Jenna just gives them a friendly smile. She clutches James's hand and begins walking down the red carpet. Wow, she's actually walking on a real red carpet with celebrities, reporters, paparazzi, and fans. This could be fun. She just needs to calm her nerves.

"Wow, this is insane." She says, waving at some fans. While some James fangirls don't seem too thrilled to see her, others seem pretty excited to see the couple together in person.

"Welcome to Hollywood." Jo says as her publicist rushes over to her. She is led over to a reporter and Jenna watches as Jo gives the reporter a friendly smile and starts doing her first interview of the night. In a minute, Jenna's gonna be doing that.

"Guys, I think Hollywood Insider wanted to talk to you." Kelly tells the BTR guys. Jenna keeps a smile on her face, even though she's freaking out on the inside. She finds herself following her boyfriend over to a reporter, who is giving them an eager grin.

"Hey, guys!" The reporter says enthusiastically. "I'm Brittany Landon from Hollywood Insider!"

"Hey, Brittany!" The guys say in unison.

"And you must be the beautiful Jenna!" Brittany says excitedly. "I've really been looking forward to meeting you, just like the rest of Hollywood. Everyone has been super curious about James Diamond's new girl."

"Well, Brittany, I'm really excited to be here." Jenna says. "Nervous but excited."

You know, that wasn't too bad. Was it? Did she sound friendly enough? Jo did tell her to be friendly, even if you're nervous or in a bad mood. Some stars have made the mistake of letting their nerves or bad mood get the best of them. Jenna doesn't want that to happen to her. She didn't stutter, she smiled, so she's pretty sure that she did okay.

"So guys, let's talk about your next album. Everyone loved your first and we're all dying to hear more music from BTR." Brittany tells them.

"We're working on new music and we're hoping to release some time within the next year." Kendall answers.

"Jenna, do you sing?" Brittany asks.

"I can, but it's not something that I plan to do for my career." Jenna smiles.

"I heard that you've already been accepted to UCLA." Brittany says. "Have you decided what you plan on doing?"

"I want to be a school counselor."

"Great." Brittany says before giving her attention back to the guys. James smiles and wraps his arm around Jenna's shoulders, proud of how she's doing so far. For her first interview, she's not doing half bad. Personally, he's pretty impressed. And the more practice she gets, the better she'll become. Hopefully, she'll want to attend more awards shows with him in the future. He's already having a good time with her and they haven't even been here that long.

"What can fans expect from the next album?"

"It's gonna bigger and better than the first." Carlos responds.

"Definitely." Logan agrees.

"Okay, it's time for the most important topic of the night." Brittany says excitedly. "Your relationship status. We all know that James is dating Jenna and Kendall is with Jo Taylor, but what about Carlos and Logan? There have been rumors about you two having girlfriends, but we've never gotten the truth from you guys. We're dying to know."

"We're taken." Logan says. "I've been dating Camille Roberts and Carlos has been seeing Stephanie King. They're great girls."

"Well, there you have it, everyone!" Brittany says to the camera. "Logan Mitchell and Carlos Garcia have confirmed that they are taken. Sorry, girls!"

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