Chapter 13: The Day That Their Love Was Approved

Start from the beginning

"You know I love you, right?" She asks softly. "And I won't let my parents come between us?"

"Yeah." James shrugs.

"I'm serious, Jay." Jenna says, stroking his cheek. "You and I are gonna stay together, no matter what."

No matter what? James doesn't know how that's gonna work out. Jenna's parents hate him. They'll do anything to stop him and Jenna from seeing each other. He wants to have a relationship with her, but it's not going to be easy unless her parents see that he's a good person. They already told her to stop seeing him, though, and it really hurts.

"Jenna, how do you know that it's gonna work out?" He asks, turning around.

"Because true love can't be broken." Jenna tells him, giving him a kiss. "I'm gonna call Chris and ask her to send our parents over, so we can talk. We're going to change their minds about you."

"Will, do you think we were a little hard on her?" Mandy asks as her husband pulls into a parking space at the Palm Woods. They've been thinking about Jenna a lot since she left yesterday and Mandy is starting to have second thoughts about their behavior. Jenna obviously sees something in James that they don't see, so could it be possible that they were wrong this whole time? After all, tabloids aren't always reliable sources of information. The only way to really know someone is if you get to know them personally.

"Mandy, that boy is no good for our daughter and you know it." Will says as they get out of the car. "She needs to find someone smarter and less selfish than James Diamond. And she needs to learn that she can't throw a tantrum and walk out every time she doesn't get her way. While she's living under our roof, she needs to go by our rules."

"But Will, she's going to leaving home in a few months." Mandy argues. "Whether we like it or not, she's growing up. When she moves into her dorm, we're not gonna be able to be there for her every second of the day, telling her what to do and who she can associate with. Obviously, she really loves James and maybe we were wrong about him. You've seen how he acts when he comes over. He tries to impress us, but we've ignored him."


"Accept it, Will." Mandy interrupts. "Jenna isn't a little girl any more. She's becoming a woman and there's nothing you and I can do to change that. I mean, think about Chris. When she left for college, you were ready to have a nervous breakdown, but everything turned out okay. We've gotta trust that Jenna will make the right choices in life."

"It's not that I don't trust her." Will says, calming down. "It's just that I've been there for her since she was a baby. I taught her how to ride a bike, I helped her with math homework, I comforted her when kids were mean to her at school, and so much more. Not that you haven't done a lot, but..."

"Will, I understand that it's scary to see her grow up, but it's happening." Mandy says before they walk into the Palm Woods. She wants to have her daughter back home and if they want that to happen, they're gonna have to accept her relationship. Besides, they've accepted her friendship with Lacey, so why should James be treated any differently? They weren't always too crazy about Lacey either, but she hasn't caused Jenna any major problems. A couple of after school detentions, but that's all. It was only because Lacey would be talking during a lecture and Jenna would tell her to shut up, then the teacher would hear them and give both girls detention.

They walk to 2J and enter the apartment, since Ms. Knight told them, Chris, and Jenna that they are welcome any time. In most cases, they would knock first, but Ms. Knight told them to come right on in unless the door is locked.

"Hi!" Ms. Knight greets, shaking their hands. "James and Jenna are in his room."

"In his room?" Will whispers harshly, looking at his wife.

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