Chapter 12: The Day Of Their First Valentines Day

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"I love it." She says, touching his cheek.

"Just like I love you." James mumbles.

"What?" Jenna says in surprise.

"No, you would freak out." James says, starting to walk away. But Jenna jumps out of her seat and frantically reaches for his hand.

"It's okay." Jenna says softly. "What did you say?"

"I love you." James says, louder this time. He closes his eyes, afraid of seeing her reaction. He knows that it could scare her off, but he had to say it. They haven't been dating very long, but when he feels something, he has to express it. He loves Jenna and he could no longer hold it in. He needs to let her know that his feelings for her are strong and he wants to have her in his life for a long time.

"Jay, I-I love you, too." Jenna says, kissing him passionately.

"Really?" James says in relief, kissing her nose.

"Really." Jenna giggles, kissing him again.

"Oh, thank goodness." James says, wrapping his arms around her. "For a while, I was afraid that I would scare you away."

Jenna has never been in love before, but she has always wanted to know what it's like. It has always seemed like such a wonderful thing and now she's experiencing it herself. Some might argue that it's too soon for her and James to feel that strongly about each other, but she really doesn't care what anyone thinks. She loves being in love and she's happy to be with a guy like James. Her only worry right now is her parents. They'll be the first to say that she's getting too serious with James, but that won't change anything.

"I had fun today." She says as they park in front of her house.

"I'm just a load of fun, right?" James jokes, laughing when Jenna slaps his bicep. He pulls her into a hug and kisses her cheek, smiling when she crawls onto his lap. Her lips touch his and they have a small make out session. He smiles into each kiss and wraps his arms around her waist. He's starting to enjoy this when he looks toward the front door from the corner of his eye. He quickly pulls away from the kiss when he sees Jenna's father. That man is out of his mind. James is terrified of him. It's ironic because he's a doctor and he's suppose to make people feel better, but he seriously freaks James out.

"I think your dad is waiting for you." He laughs nervously, waving at Mr. Harper.

"Yay." Jenna says sarcastically, kissing his cheek before getting out of the car. "I love you."

"I love you, too." James grins, waving at her before driving away.

"Hi, daddy." Jenna says as she steps onto the porch.

"Jenna, sweetheart, your mother and I wanna talk to you." Will says as they walk into the house. "Have a seat."

Jenna frowns as she sits on the couch, fearing what they're gonna say. She doesn't know if she wants to know what they're going to tell her. She's hoping they'll say that Aunt Lauren is finally remarrying or something, but that's not likely. They look serious and concerned, which implies that they're not about to give her any good news.

"Sweetie, your father and I are concerned about you and James." Mandy says gently.

"Here we go." Jenna sighs.

"Jenna, listen." Will says sternly. "Mandy, please continue."

"We think that you two are getting too serious. You spend too much time with him and when you can't see him, you're talking to him on the phone. When he comes over, you two are all over each other. You're seventeen years old, dear. You're much too young to be getting this serious with a guy. We're concerned that you might end up in a bad situation if you stay in this relationship."

Just A Dream (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن