Chapter 9: The Day Of Their One Month Anniversary

Start from the beginning

"Jay, are you sure that nothing is bothering you?" She asks him.

"Jenna, I'm fine." James insists, kissing her forehead.

"Okay." Jenna shrugs. If he doesn't wanna talk about it, she's not gonna force him.

"At least the paparazzi don't bother you as much anymore." James says as they stare up at the sky. Laying on a blanket and looking at clouds is usually Kendall and Jo's thing, but James didn't think they would mind if he borrowed it. He has been dating Jenna for a month and he really wants to do something romantic. Laying on a blanket on the beach while they cuddle seems romantic to him.

"They still notice me, though." Jenna says, burying her face in his neck. She kisses the soft skin, giggling when James sighs and closes his eyes. She kisses his cheek again, then sits up. She plays with his hair, watching as a smile appears on his face. Kendall said that he will throw a fit if his hair ever gets messed up, but he doesn't seem to mind when Jenna does it. It's a good thing, too, because Jenna couldn't stand not being allowed to touch his hair. Next to his smile, abs, and biceps, his hair is probably her favorite feature. Never in a million years will she ever admit this, but she wants to scream like one of his crazed fangirls whenever she sees him. She hopes that doesn't sound too weird.

"As long as they don't get too close to my girl." James says, pulling her down. She collapses on top of him and squeals when James gives her a bear hug.

"Your girl?"

"Yes, you're my girl." James repeats. "And no one else's."

"Can I be honest with you?" Jenna asks, kissing him softly.

"Yeah." James says in concern.

"You have this reputation of being a player, but since you started dating me, you don't even look at other girls." Jenna explains. "I guess I'm just kind of curious. If you're such a player, I didn't think that you would change for me. I hope that I'm not offending you because I'm not. I was just wondering, but you don't even have to answer the question if you don't want to. I can shut up right now."

"It's okay." James laughs. Then he becomes serious. "Yeah, I've had a lot of girlfriends, but that doesn't mean that I'm a player. Most of the girls I dumped were either too clingy, too talkative, too obnoxious, too snobby, or whatever reason. I never dumped a girl for no reason. Most of them just weren't the kind of girl that I was looking for. You, on the other hand, are exactly what I want in a girl. You're sweet, cute, not too clingy, shy, you're not obnoxious, and I like you a lot. People just assume that I'm a player because I've dated a lot of girls, but they don't realize that I never dumped a girl for no reason at all. Some of the girls would be saying I love you on the first or second date."

"Well, I think you and I should date a little longer before we say that." Jenna agrees, kissing his cheek.

"I like that idea." James smiles, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"You're a lot different than people say you are." Jenna tells him.

"People never give me a chance." James tells her. "They automatically assume that I'm a jerk because of my past relationships. Of course, I have a lot of really good friends, so I'm grateful for that."

"And you have me." Jenna says, getting up. She reaches for his hand, pulling him off the ground. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" James chuckles.

"A romantic walk on the beach." Jenna smiles, pulling him along. "Hey, have you decided what movie we should see?"

"Camille's new movie is out." James suggests. "It's a Christmas film. I think we should show our friend some support."

"Sounds great." Jenna says happily. Unfortunately, they won't be able to spend Christmas together because James and the guys are flying back to Minnesota to visit with their families. Seeing a Christmas movie could make up for that. It's just that it's their first Christmas as a couple and James will be out of state. Jenna isn't angry. After all, it's great that James will be spending the holidays with his family. She's really gonna miss him, though. Their only means of communication will be over the cell phone and Facebook. She won't even be able to see him face to face.

"You know I got an A on my science final?" She adds.

"Hey, that's great." James says, rubbing her shoulder. "I got C's, B's, and one A on my finals. I might need you to tutor me sometime because I'm not exactly the smartest person out there."

"You're smart." Jenna argues. "You just need a little help understanding different subjects."

"But we're on a two week break now." James sighs, squeezing her shoulders. "So we don't need to think about school."

"Of course, you would say that." Jenna says with amusement.

"Yeah, I would." James grins, kissing the top of her head.

Waiting in a long line at the box office is crazy, especially when you're one half of a celebrity couple. As James and Jenna wait in line, a few paparazzi snap pictures of them. This would have bothered them a few months ago, but it doesn't seem as bad now. When the news of them dating first got out, there was always a frenzy of paparazzi following them, but now it's only a few. As long as the guys don't get too out of control, James and Jenna don't care if they take a few photos for whatever magazine they work for.

The public knows Jenna's name now. They found out a week and a half ago when Jenna arrived at school. They were getting pictures of her and some shouted her name. Therefore, the world knows her identity now. At first, it kind of bothered her, James, and their families and friends, because Jenna has already lost enough privacy as it is. Now they know her name, so it probably won't be that hard for them to find any of her social networking accounts and criticize little thing she says or does. Not that she would say anything bad, but like Jo said, they can take something totally innocent and twist it around into something negative.

"Jenna, is it true that James cheated on you?"

James gulps as James lets go of her hand. Oh boy...This can't be good.

"No, I didn't." James snaps, prepared to beat them down. But Jenna puts her hand on his chest and holds him back, using her other hand to stroke his face. She can't believe that the paparazzi would say that James cheated on her. She knows that he would never do that. This is just a matter of people and their preconceived notions. They don't know James, yet they have the nerve to accuse him of something like cheating.

"Um, why don't you guys just go ahead of me?" The older woman in front of them says, having noticed that the couple was being harrassed by the paparazzi.

"Thank you so much." Jenna says, leading James to the box office. "Two tickets to that new Christmas movie."

They pay and get their tickets, then go inside the theater. Jenna is relieved to be away from those photographers, but that's not what she's concerned about. James nearly attacked that one guy and he still looks upset and incredibly angry. The poor guy probably gets tired of people always acting like they know him. They don't know him at all.

"Hey, don't worry about them, okay?" She says, holding his face.

"They asked if I was cheating on you." James says bitterly.

"But you're not, so I don't care what they say." Jenna says, kissing him.

"Fine." James says quietly, reaching for her hand.

"Let's enjoy the movie." Jenna smiles, tickling his stomach.

That gets a chuckle out of him and his previous anger is forgotten. He just wishes that people knew him for who he really is, not for who they think is. He's not a cheater. He would never do that to Jenna. He likes her way too much for him to want anyone else. That's why he questions his feelings. For a while, this was just him dating a pretty girl, but he's starting to wonder if he might be falling for her.

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