Chapter 7: The Day Jenna's Life Started Changing

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"I'm just going to the Palm Woods." Jenna says calmly. "I'll be fine."

With that, she grabs James's hand and they walk out the door. James opens the car door for Jenna and lets her get in before closing it and getting into the drivers seat. James holds her hand as he drives down the street. He's going to seriously peeved off if anyone messes with his girl. He loves following his dream, but he knows that it's not all glamorous. Before he came to LA, he only saw the cool side of fame, but now that he's here, he sees that there are some cons when it comes to being a star.

"If the paparazzi are at the Palm Woods, just stay close to me." James tells her. "Don't say anything to them. Just stay close to me."

"Okay." Jenna says softly.

"It'll be okay." James says, placing a gentle kiss on her hand.

When they finally get to the Palm Woods and pull into their parking space, they are almost immediately surrounded by flashing cameras and loud voices. Jenna does what James told her to do and stays close to him as paparazzi throw questions at her and James. They can barely walk because the photographers are crowded around them.

"How long have you two known each other? Where did you meet?" The paparazzi shout, while others ask Jenna what her name is. Just as they get to the door, it opens for them and Jo reaches for them.

"Guys, can you please let them through?" She asks, pulling the new couple inside. Even as the door closes, the paparazzi still crowd around it, their loud voices blending together. Poor Jenna looks incredibly freaked out, which doesn't surprise Jo at all. Her first encounter with the paparazzi was quite terrifying to. She was getting out of her car to go shopping at the Grove and as she was walking, photographers started surrounding her and asking her a bunch of questions that she really didn't want to answer. It wasn't a big deal for her, though. Being an actress is her dream, but Jenna is just a regular girl that never asked for any of this. All she did was start dating a famous guy.

"Everyone has been talking about you guys." She says as they walk to the elevator. "But don't worry. Most people have really nice things to say. For example, many of them think that you two are really cute together. Then there's the Jennifers, who have a different opinion. But that doesn't matter. Right now, we need to get Jenna's mind off of this mess."

"It's hopeless, Jo." Jenna complains. "My life is never gonna be the same again."

"Being famous isn't that bad." Jo tells her. "It can be fun sometimes."

"Yeah, but you're doing it willingly. I just want to become a school counselor, not a celebrity."

"We'll fix this." Jo reassures her as they approach 2J. She knocks on the door and Ms. Knight answers it, allowing them to come in.

"Jenna, are you okay?" Ms. Knight asks the girl.

"I guess." Jenna sighs as James leads her over to the couch. He sits down and pulls her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. He hopes that they can do something to get people to leave Jenna alone. He doesn't want life to change just because he screwed up. Yeah, he's pretty much blaming himself. He shouldn't have brought Jenna to Rocque Records. It's so obvious that if he had just let her stay home, they wouldn't be at the center of this gossip. He feels even worse knowing that Jenna doesn't want to be famous.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"Jay, it's not your fault." Jenna says, touching his cheek.

"Yes, it is." James argues. "I've ruined your life."

Jenna shakes her head. How could James think that it's his fault? He didn't do anything wrong. He invited her to work with him because he thought it would be fun. He didn't know that paparazzi would see them. She doesn't blame him and he shouldn't blame himself. But that's exactly what he's doing. She doesn't know why he would do that, though. Why he would think that it's his fault?

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