Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

Meyer's gaze flashed between the unconscious guard and Jato. "I thought—"

"That I was discharged?" said Jato, a flicker of his usual smile playing across his serious face. "Not so easily. Right now they think I've slipped the Dale, but they won't for long." Jato nodded towards the unconscious guard.

Meyer glanced around. "Adryn's working for the Magician," he whispered loudly.

"I know," said Jato calmly. "I'm leaving for the capitol to warn Moon."


Jato shook his head. "There's no time. They're searching for me." He scanned the Dale from atop the hill. "Keep your head down and your eyes open. If anyone asks, I attacked and you ran. Now go."

Meyer stumbled forward, not wanting to leave Jato—his only ally—but then he allowed the downward slope of the hill pull him onward. When he looked back moments later, the ex-captain of the guard was already gone. Meyer hesitated, but then he started forward again, his pace quickening with each stride.

By the bottom of the hill he felt eerily alone and broke into a run as he started for the dormitories. His thoughts were a frenzied jumble, and his heart pounded in time with each heavy footfall. He needed to find his friends. When he reached the third floor of the dormitory, he was moving so quickly that he stumbled over Damian at the top of the steps.

"Where have you been?" said Damian, regaining his balance. "I heard a rumor that Jebb released you this morning—"

"Doesn't matter," said Meyer, breathing heavily. "Where are Ander and Cade—we need to talk."

Damian's expression at once turned fearful. "They left yesterday," he said. "What's going on?"

Meyer jerked his head sharply in the direction of his room and started down the hallway. When he and Damian were inside, he slammed the door shut and at once began pacing.

Damian walked over to the arm chair but did not sit down.

"You said Ander and Cade left?" questioned Meyer.

Damian nodded. "They were in the first group of tempests leaving for the Galzar Mountains—them and a few other tempests from the Outlands. The rest of us are supposed to leave within the week."

Meyer stopped pacing.

Ander and Cade were gone—left for safety... And yet something about their absence was disquieting...

"Can you explain what's happening?" said Damian.

Meyer jerked his head upwards, his eyes focusing forward. There was no time to contemplate his misgivings about Ander and Cade's absence. "Adryn's working of the Magician," he said hurriedly. "I have proof right here." He withdrew the crumpled papers from his pocket, and along with his two rings, placed them on the desk.

When Damian made no move to examine them, Meyer simply recounted everything he had read and heard. He found that the explanation was equally a means of organizing his own thoughts as enlightening Damian, and as he spoke, he felt his beating pulse gradually lessen. By the time he finished, the daylight was fading, and he removed the cover of his glowstone lamp before sitting down on his bed.

"I can't think what to do," said Meyer. "Adryn's in control of the Dale, and she's probably monitoring all conversations with the Listening Stone."

"But you said she can't hear this one," said Damian.

"Presumably," said Meyer, touching his hand the Talisman that Trant had given him, which rested against his chest. "I can only hope Jato reaches Moon in time," he continued.

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