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So after 2 hours of a very demented history lesson slash family tree Temperance stops talking and looks at me waiting for a response. I have so much running through my head at the moment I can't move I'm not even sure how I'm breathing my mouth is hung open n i can feel drewl starting to slide forward but I'm to froze to care at the moment.

After a while she gets up and goes to make a couple of sandwiches and a few drinks she comes back and sits the food in front of me but I'm still unmoving, untalking and basically just unresponsive all together. She's talking again but I can't hear her I just see her lips moving. I blink finally and suddenly a pain hits me in the face so hard I'm thrown off the chair i snap out of it long enough to realize the bitch just smacked me and hard too.

What the fuck was that for i scream she flinches back slightly at my tone but i calm down when i see I've scared her like that. I throw my head in my hands and start to cry for the first time since my parents died I'm crying unbelievable! I feel a soothing hand rubbing up and down my back when i finally managed to collect my pathetic whimpering ass sudden clarity hits me like I've known this all along i still have tons of questions but somehow I'm suddenly not as scared anymore.

"I have questions now"

"Ok honey go ahead."

"Who were my parents really?"


I finish her my story and the girl is just sitting there with her mouth hung open like a complete fool. I start to tell her a few more things and she still hasn't even managed to blink. So I did what anyone else would do I smacked the piss out of her.

I instantly regret doing so because she doesn't have control over herself yet she could have shifted into anything and killed me within a mere second. Against my will i flinch slightly at her tone when she screams what the fuck was that for and her eyes shift into blood red orbs. Something must have registered with her that she scared me and she's backing down and her eyes are turning back normal swirling mass or at least the new normal for her. I have questions now she says to me ok honey go ahead i urge her what she says next crushes me inside.

"Who were my parents really?"

I swallow the lump in my throat and try to make the right words form.

"Your parents weren't human as I'm sure you've figured out by now. They were both direct decedents of the elders your mothers real name was Karma Denelta before she married your father then she became Karma Dragasa your father was Onyx Dragasa with his name sake from an elder."

"They were beyond talented and they loved each other greatly they joined the protectors early in life and that's where they met they became bonded almost instantly after meeting and about 20 years later became pregnant with you."

"I was your mother and father's best friend we grew up together me and my husband were away on a mission transporting the ring to a new location when your mom and dad were killed."

"Your mother and father were great people."

"Why were they killed?"


Because of you. You were supposed to be with them that night. Luckily you were not."

"I think I'm going to be sick."

I bolted to the back door and threw up my coffee and the rest of my stomach contents all in the shrubs. I continued till all i had left was stomach acid and there couldn't have been much of that left either. I curled up on the step and cried long and hard I didn't want to be this great queen my mom and died because of what i was. Seeming to read my mind Temperance walks out and puts an arm around my shoulder.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 25, 2012 ⏰

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Pandora and the Blood RingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora