Chapter 25

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Rick's P.O.V

When I heard the news that there was a dead body inside the prison walls I thought maybe it was just a left over one that we forgot. Man, was I wrong. When I turned the corner I saw a little kid on the ground not moving. I check it out and realized, this just recently happened. I felt something tap my shoulder. I jerked around and saw Michonne. She was covered in blood guts. I was about to ask about the guts but remembered she went on run. "You're back." I said. She smiled. Damn she was sexy. Wait!? Where did that come from!? "You don't seem happy." She joked. "Oh I'm happy I'm just worried." "Why?" I stepped aside and she looked at the dead little boy. She gasped. "Who could do such a thing." I could tell that she was really hurt. "Hey are you ok?" I asked. She looked at me. "Y-Yeah I'm ok. Well I'm gonna go get a shower." She said and walked off.

Beth's P.O.V

After I got the food done and everyone fed and went back and fed Bradley. I gave him my leftovers and layed down. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up and looked around. Where's Daryl? I thought. I looked around the corner and heard muffled noises. Hm. I walked towards it and when I reached where the boises were coming from I gasped. It was Daryl. And he was fucking another girl. I looked closer. It was Carol. I gasped. He looked up and smiled. I tried to speak but my throat was closed up from sadness. Finally I said something! "H-how could you." I whispered. "Beth I never really loved you, you were just a one time thing." I was crying now. "Beth! BETH!" I shot up amd looked at Daryl. I cried some more and pushed myself into his chest and hugged him. "Please." I whispered over and over again. "Please what Beth?" He said getting worried. "Don't ever leave me. For anyone not even if she was the sexiest girl alive. I need you." He kissed me deeply. "Never." I hugged him again. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." "Highly doubt that's possible." He said then I fell asleep soon after.

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