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Pick your head up things are gonna change

Dont let others tell you what you can achieve

Because at the end of the day they don't know your pain

They don't know your sorrow

So please promise me you'll keep your head up for tomorrow

Even if you don't think there's time

I promise you not trying is what will cause more horror

Feeling trapped in a constant cycle of regrets, impulse, and consequence

Mother told me that if I keep going on like this my adult life will be irrelevant 

In the society we live in you need to be tough skinned and let your mishaps 

I keep drowning in my failure

But the drain is right in front of me to be free to stand up and reach for my success

The problem is that I don't think that I deserve it yet

No rewind back to what I just said- Correction

The problem is that I haven't worked to my full potential yet

Stop making excuses 

Start making solutions 

Tomorrow is not promised so don't drown float above it and live for your future

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