Chapter Two- Determination

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The trailer above was created by yours truly.



May 12, 2016

"I see you."

What am I doing? I retract my hand from behind her ear, silently cursing myself for going too far. I see Poppy's eyes widen as she looks over at me, confusion and fear swarming in her beautiful hazel eyes.

She doubts me.

Oh, Poppy... I've seen you since November 3rd, 2008.

"No. You don't." I flinch at her confident tone as she slides out of the booth, gathering her apron and water. Watching her, dread fills me as I face the fact that I might have overstepped my bounds.

I jump to my feet. "Poppy, wait." I plea, desperate to fix this. I reach out a hand to try and cease her from walking away, but she manages to avoid my grasp.

A small smile adorns her face, however I can see through her facade. She is retreating, away from me and back into her shell. "I'll see you tomorrow, Reid."

A morsel of relief fills me. I'll see her tomorrow.

I smile back at her, nodding my head. Poppy watches me as I turn and head out of the coffee shop, heading straight towards my dark blue Ford F250. I let out a growl of irritation before I kick the front left rubber tire.

Sliding into my car, I run a hand through my hair, pulling at it.

Ever since that day, back in 2008, there was no one else. I saw her, sitting beside Rachel and I knew that she was it for me.

I walk through the hall of the overcrowded school of Waubonsie Valley, heading towards the cafeteria. I follow Trent, a running back for the football team, as he gives me a poor tour of the school.

Trent is in my first hour class and after the topic of football was brought up, he silently deemed us friends and has taken up the job of giving me the lay of the land. He has been ranting on about football tryouts and the likelihood of me getting the position of first string quarterback... Apparently it's not looking too great.

Once we reach the cafeteria, I look around for Rachel.

Rachel is finally a Freshman, which means I can keep a watchful eye on her. The two years of separation were pure torture, not knowing if people were picking on her in school or if stupid low life's were hitting on her.

Being a Junior and her brother, I will ensure that she is well protected. As it has been and always will be my job.

I spot her at a table off in the corner, sitting next to a brunette, whose head is bowed. Rachel is talking her mouth off, surely annoying the poor girl. I dismiss Trent, walking towards my sister, back pack slung over one shoulder.

Rachel meets my eyes, a smile breaking across her face. "Reid! Hey, how's the first day?" She asks, tossing a green grape in her mouth. I shrug my shoulders, dropping my bag on the table so I can take up the seat next to my sister.

I notice the shy girl flinch at the loud thump of the bag hitting the table and murmur an apology. "Oh, Reid. This is Poppy. Poppy, this is Reid."

Poppy. What an odd name. Unique and beautiful... But odd.

"Hey." I say, waiting for her to lift her head so I can see who I am being introduced to.

When she finally does, her curtain of hair falls away from her face to reveal large hazel eyes that hold anxiety and apprehension. Her pink lips are chapped, however she instinctively moistens them, running her tongue over the bottom and rubbing the lips together. I furrow my brows as she stares at me.

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