Chapter Thirty-four.

Comincia dall'inizio

We held back Minghao as he struggled to get out from our holds. "I hope you are happy on what you did to her!",Minghao looked at Joshua before walking out from the room.

"You know,Hyung. I used to respect you alot but now..I don't even want to admit that you are my brother",Dino said without any emotions.

Soonyoung grabbed Dino hands and walked out from the room.

"Jeonghan hyung,Why are you taking their si-",Jeonghan shake his head at my statement.

"I'm taking no one side,So please..",Jeonghan wiped the blood from the corner of Seungcheol's lips.

Soon we began to walked out, of course we didn't get to finish our meals but what's the propose to eat if your appetite are gone.

"Where did Minghao go?",I asked Dokyeom.

"With Jun,they went back to the room. I told James to asked Laura if she could bring the our breakfast to our room.",Dokyeom sighed.

"I know we lost our appetites but we need some energy",He gave me a small smile and nodded.


Vernon's pov:

After we get our uniforms on,we went to Younghee's room before going to school.

We knocked onto her door, "Younghee..It's us".

We waited for awhile for Younghee to opened the door,She looked at us with no expressions.

I shallow back a lump in my throat, She will be bright back soon,Vernon. She will.

"We decided to see you before going to school..",Seungkwan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Just incase locked your door?Okay?",Younghee blinked as if she's trying to nodded with her head.

There was an awkward silence.

"Well,ermm..I guess we should go now then?",Jun awkwardly chuckled and turned to looked at us.

I nodded along with the others, "Remember to lock your door,Younghee".

Younghee looked at each one of us before slowly closing her door and we heard a lock clicked.

I gave Seungkwan a small sad smile, "At least,She listened to us about locking her door".

We began walking down the strais, "Hyung,Why not after school..We should bring her out for a picnic?".

We all looked at Dino and patted his shoulder for his brilliant idea, "Brilliant idea,Dino!".

"Why not we just go now instead of going to school? Now who's with me?",Seungkwan proudly raised his hand while Soonyoung slowly raised his.

I shake my head, "You can't,Seungkwan. You know Mrs.Kim gave me a short test today, we can't miss it. Remember the day we all faked sick because we don't want to attend school and took that test. Remember how mad Mom were?".

Everyone stopped their track on the stairs as they recalled back the memories, they shivered and shake thier head.

"But I didn't get to study last night! Even if I took that test and get low marks,Mom would be so pissed",Mingyu groaned and fake sob.

"Shut up,Mingyu. Stop acting as if You didn't usually used your power to read people's mind during the test",Wonwoo rolled his eyes at Mingyu.

He chuckled and ran towards Wonwoo, "Shhh,Wonwoo. It's supposed to a secret between us".

"Secret my ass",Seungkwan pointed at his ass as he opened the front door.

I laughed as Mingyu cringed at Seungkwan.

"Greeeaaattt,Mom told us to pay a visit later after school. Jeonghan just mindlinked me",Dino said innocently.

"You do know that we also could heard the message from Mom right?",Soonyoung said as he get in the car.

"Oh,Yeah right",Dino laughed at himself.

The others looked at the younger one and shake their head.

"We have to pretend their nothing wrong between us and the others..Fathers would be mad at us.",Minghao sighed.

"That would be hard,Mom would had a vision of it if she went in our minds",Jun nodded at Minghao's statement.

"Block her then? Or something..Let's just say..No power national day?",We all looked at Seungkwan as he randomly throw an idea.

"Well,Okay then",I agreed and the car began to moved.


I swear Minghao parts got me criedd crieddddd T.T T.T (TT by twice) <----- Sudden promotion,I don't know twice that much but I love their songs.

Which girl group are your favourites?

Mine-Forever Girls Generation and Red velvet Because Irene,Wendy and Seulgi are seriously my favourite girl crush[Don't judge my biases ThankYou] [Expecting soon debut Plediz Girlz to be on my favourite list as well] and Blackpink ♥

I know there's nothing much on this chapter but the spoiler for next chapter is in here somewhere ♥♥

Do comments and voteeesss [love love] ♥♥



What Should I Do?|Seventeen|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora