Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

It doesn't take us long to make it out to his car in the parking lot after he packs up his things. He says he'll come back later to finish up his work so I don't question it when the only thing he takes with him is his wallet and keys. He holds my hand on the way out of his lecture hall, but stops as soon as we make it outside. He doesn't seem as worried for once though and walks in step beside me across campus until we reach his car in the parking lot.

Harry seems to have everything planned out further than I expect. It doesn't take us long to drive to our destination and I'm pleasantly surprised when we end up in a somewhat deserted lookout spot nearly twenty minutes outside of Chicago. Part of me wonders why we didn't just go back to one of our apartments, but another part of me is constantly reminding myself to relax and be spontaneous for a change.

We find ourselves in the backseat of his car no less than five minutes after we've parked. There's no one around which doesn't stop me from straddling his lap with confidence as soon as we're seated.

"I should have just given this to you yesterday. I'm sorry it took me a day to do it." Harry finally speaks up as I'm unbuttoning his shirt. Our lips have met in multiple kisses already and I'm too deep into my thoughts about him to care about what happened yesterday.

"Don't be sorry. I should have been more understanding yesterday too. Let's make it up to each other though." I prompt back, dipping down to press my lips to his neck as I finally get his shirt undone.

"Mmm fuck, okay." His hands grab my hips once again and I grin as he lifts me from his lap and instead sets me down beside him in the seat. My legs are pried apart and his body moves between them instead while he busies himself pinning me against the window. I'm still attempting to kiss his neck but my mind is wandering endlessly as he's undoing the button of my jeans. His hips are pressed against mine and rutting in a slow motion that has me at a loss for words. I'm just beginning to loll my head back in satisfaction when a different sensation is felt against my leg, but I recognize it immediately.

"If you're going to be interrupted while this happens you might as well move that over a little bit." I tease him, referring to his phone vibrating against my leg in the front pocket of his jeans. He chuckles and shakes his head at me, but doesn't move to answer his phone.

"It's probably just a friend. I'm still getting belated birthday wishes." He shrugs it off and I nod, not caring enough to actually wonder about who's calling him. All I care about is the adrenaline rushing through me from having him undressing me in the back of his car.

We get back into a rhythm of kissing while continuing to make out for a few more minutes. Both of our shirts have disappeared by now and I'm almost positive I already have a hickey on my chest before Harry's even got my bra off. Neither of us seem to be holding back in the slightest and our typical interactions with each other are coming out naturally as we giggle through kisses and caress each other in any way we can. Before I know it though, we're being interrupted once again as his phone begins ringing in his pocket and draws my attention away from him.

"Fucking Christ," he mutters, pulling away from me to dig the device out. He looks down at the screen and stares at it for a few seconds without any clear emotion. I lean forward along with him in attempt to see who's been trying to reach him, but he's too quick. He ends the call in record time and leans forward to set his phone in the drivers seat so that it's out of sight.

"My friends are adamant." He chuckles stiffly, seemingly more uncomfortable now than he was a moment ago.

"Who was it?" I wonder aloud. He shakes his head and leans in to kiss me once more, silencing me completely.

"Don't worry about it." He mumbles back. His kissing moves down my neck and I whine under his touch as his hand slips into my pants. I'm at a loss for words as soon as he does it.

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