The Day Their Secret Got Out

Start from the beginning

"I know." Jenna nods. "When Jay and I went on our first date, he told me about the Giant Turd song. Smart move, Kendall."

"Gustavo had it coming." Kendall argues.

"He definitely deserved it." James tells his girlfriend, kissing her cheek.

"I'm sure he did." Jenna agrees, letting her head fall against his shoulder. She's really happy that they're dating, but there are some concerns that she has regarding the relationship. They've already established Jennas's fear of becoming paparazzi bait, but what about James Diamond fangirls? Dak Zevon's current girlfriend got death threats when she first started dating the teen hearthrob. What would happen to Jenna if people knew about her and James? James is hot and he has lots of female fans that would be extremely jealous if they knew that he has a girlfriend.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk to Jenna alone." James says as he helps Jenna off the floor. He takes her hand and they walk down the hallway and around the corner. While Jenna stands back against the wall, James rests his forehead against hers and strokes her cheek. She seems worried and he wants to know what's wrong. He isn't about to take her home later without knowing what is bothering her.

"Okay, tell me what's wrong." He whispers, kissing her softly.

"If people did find out we're dating, what about your fans?" Jenna asks quietly. "I've seen girls get death threats when they start dating a really hot and famous guy?"

"First of all, thanks for the compliment." James chuckles, laughing out loud when Jenna slaps his chest. "Secondly, I won't let anyone mess with you."


"I promise." James says, kissing her forehead.

"Okay." Jenna wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. In the past two weeks, her life has changed big time. She's still the same person she has always been, but now she's dating someone of a much higher social status than her. Weird, right?

"Come on." James says, holding her hand as they walk back down the hallway.

Jenna has a pretty good feeling that someone is watching them as they leave Rocque Records. And did she hear a camera snapping? She hopes not. She hopes that they're just a tourist taking pictures of the sights in Los Angeles, not some wack job paparazzi snapping pics of Hollywood's next big thing and the girl that happens to be dating one of the guys. She eagerly gets into the limo, relief slowly coming over her. She is pretty certain that she heard a camera, but she's just going to pretend that she didn't. She's been having a good week and she will not let it be ruined by her paranoia.

If the world did know about the new couple and people did start bothering Jenna, Lacey would probably blow a gasket. They've been friends since Kindergarten and Lacey is the protective one. If anyone ever bullies Jenna, Lacey will make sure to get pay back. One time, Anna Dalton tripped Jenna in the hallway and Lacey ended up doing the same thing to Anna.

"Hey, did you guys hear a camera?" She asks, trying not to sound worried.

"Um, we don't think so." Kendall says, looking out the window.

James frowns with worry. He hopes that Jenna's just being paranoid. Neither one of them is ready for their relationship to go public. If James was dating any other girl, he wouldn't care, but Jenna is just one of those people that has no business in the public eye. She wouldn't be able to handle it. James is pretty new to this stuff himself and he hasn't had a whole lot of Hollywood dating experience.

"Hey, I'll take you home in the other car." James tells her. "We would draw too much attention if we showed up in a limo."

"Fantastic." Jenna says tiredly, yawning.

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