Meet The CEO

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Charlottes POV

Walking down the long hall all I could hear was small sounds of high heels clipping but it soon stopped as I came across a giant hand carved oak door with a lightly polished sign saying 'CEO'.

Knocking on the door I heard a husky "come in"pushing on the door it opened slowly, I glanced inside to find a tall muscular man wearing a finely pressed dress shirt along with perfectly ironed slacks his brown hair was slicked back and a crimson tie hung from his collar, his kissable lips in a soft peachy pink with icy but warm blue eyes stared as I stepped in his office, he stared hungrily as I laid papers down Infront of him on a hard oak desk,taking a step back i looked down.

"What are these for?"

I looked up noticing he was looking at the paper in disbelief.

"Sir there the preparations for your celebration your designer sent them over"

"But half of things on the list does not even need to be there"

He flicked through the paper coming to a stop on the third page.


"Well,sir your niece ask for one"

He glared up at me and then back to the sheet, he threw it down on the desk and sat down in the chair sending his hands through his thick brown hair, he spun the chair around and looked out the window, groaned and turned towards me.

"Fire the designer will you?"

I nodded , slowly bowing i turned around taking my leave.


I turned around but found myself pinned to the wall by strong hands.

"Sir please this is a work place"

I looked at the floor knowing well that he has done this to all the other girls that work here,looking up I saw a fiery pair of blue eyes and sharp face slowly move toward me.

"Don't move..."

His voice became deep with power and lust, He moved his lips towards my neck, making a sharp pain fill my body as I felt liquid fell from the wound.'Did he just bite me?'

"Good girl.."

He licked away the blood making me shiver and slowly he lifted his head facing me with his warm blue eyes, I realized I was crying from the pain as his hand cupped my face wiping away my tears.

"Shhhhh ,don't cry ,its alright"

He wiped away the rest of my tears and lifted my chin making me face his light blue eyes, He leaned forward and captured my lips in a gentle kiss, letting him lead I felt heat overcome my body but he quickly pulled away making me miss his lips when a urgent knock came at the door, sighing he turned around and ran his hand through his hair and loosened his tie soon answering the door.

"What is it?"

"Sir it seems the photocopier isn't working"

"Ask some one else to fix it Helen"

"But sir the only other guy that knows how to fix it is sick"

"Well just leave me alone will you I already have enough work on my desk"

"But si-"


Helen a sweet meek girl nodded and quickly turning and walked down the hall.

 Slamming the door he turned around letting all his tension ease as he walked towards me with a caring look of love,he smiled softly. He came closer wrapping me with his strong hold and encasing my lips again, but this time biting my lip wanting entrance, opening my mouth he explored it making me moaned and his hold on me tighten, digging my nails into his back to let go but soon hearing a loud rip fill the air, I realized I ripped his shirt I felt blood seep through my fingers, he tensed and tightened his hold even more making me yelp but was muffled by his kiss ,he let his nails rip the back of my black blouse and felt warm liquid cover my back and pain fill my back making a muffled yelp, making him quickly let go and stare at me with worry, I fell to the floor as heat slid through my veins making me claw at my skin as i felt my wolf claw at the surface.


He walked quickly towards the desk and grabbed the  jug of cold water and dumped it on me making the heat melt away, I curled into a small ball and started shivering as tears fell down my face covered by my wet hair, whimpering from the pain.

 I felt a warm presence curl up next to me and I turned towards it to find a large brown wolf with glossy blue eyes its presence calmed me as I moved towards it and let its soft warm fur engulf me letting my tears stop as I tried to stay awake but loss as sleep took over and I fell asleep remembering his soft blue eyes and lushes brown hair.

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