He kicked open a random door and then closed it behind him. I heard the click of a lock before feeling my flip flops slipped off my feet. I felt him sit down on something soft, and when his lips trailed down my jaw and to my neck, I opened my eyes to see that he had sat down on his bed.

"Conner," I moaned as his lips hit my sweet spot. I tilted my head to grant him more access to my neck, another moan escaping my lips. His fingers trailed the hem of my dress, which had rid up and now sat bunched at my waist. His lips came off of my neck and my dress was gracefully slid over my head and thrown to the ground. His lips found mine again, getting sloppier and sloppier. I was laid on my back, feeling the softness of the bed beneath me.

I trailed my fingers to the hemline of his shirt and began to lift it up, swiftly pulling it over his head and throwing it somewhere, his lips already on mine again.

I trailed the tips of my fingers along his stomach muscles. "Fuck, Carlie," he groaned. Butterfly's exploded in my stomach at the way he had said my name, and I wanted him to say it again.

"Say my name again," I whispered softly.

"Carlie," he moaned softly, pulling away from the kiss just barely to look at me, a smirk on his face. I gave him a smirk of my own, craning my neck to press my lips back onto his.

One thing lead to another and an hour later we were laying in each other's arm, naked and sweat clinging to our bodies.

"What are we gonna tell our parents?" I asked, my fingers following the lines of his stomach muscles. I could feel the effect this was having on him as he would suddenly tense up every few seconds. "It's not like we can just walk in and announce that we're mates."

"Do you want them to know we're mates?" Conner asked, his voice laced with hurt. I looked up at him so fast that my neck cracked a little, and I let out a painful groan.

"Of course I do! But, well, we've never gotten along before now, and they're going to think we're crazy if we just waltz in and say that we're mates and have already completed the more intimate part of the mating process."

"They'll understand. I mean, we are mates. I don't think they'll think it's that weird that we're getting along," Conner pointed out.

I sighed, knowing he was right. The real reason I didn't want to tell my parents is that I didn't want them to know that I had already met my mate. My mom will expect grandchildren right away and my dad would be handing out death threats like candy on Halloween.

"I know. It's not that I'm not ready for a mate but I'm not ready to tell my parents that I have a mate yet," I admitted softly, laying back down my head on his chest.

"We can wait until you are ready. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable," Conner said, gently rubbing his hand against my bare back. I sighed and curled into him even more. "Who knows, maybe having a secret relationship will be fun."

I laughed but agreed, looking up at him again. "It'll be an adventure, that's for sure," I said. I stared into his eyes for a couple seconds, trying to figure out what he was feeling.

"What are you thinking about?" Conner asked, a small smirk playing on his face.

"Who says I was thinking?" I smirked, crossing my arms over his chest and propping my chin up on them.

"You have a concentrated look on your face," he said.

"How so?" I smiled, wanting to know what he had noticed.

"You scrunched your eyebrows together right there," he said, lightly trailing his pointer finger on the point above my noise. "And you were pressing your lips together tightly." His finger trailed across my lips, leaving behind a thousand little sparks.

"I was trying to figure out what you were feeling," I whispered softly, my smile growing with his.

"Any luck?" I shook my head, keeping my eyes locked on his. In a split second I was flipped onto my back, and Conner was hovering over me.

"I'm feeling that I'm already in love with you," he whispered huskily, his lips buried in my neck. I took a deep intake of breath as he said this, surprised at how easily he was able to say it but I couldn't deny that I was feeling the same way.

He began to press little butterfly kisses along my neck and jawline, reaching my lips. "What are you feeling?"

"I think I'm already in love with you too," I whispered, hooking an arm around his neck and firmly pressing his lips against mine. We rolled over so that I was back on top, and then I realized something. "Wait!" I said, pulling my lips off of his and staring at him. "Is it your birthday today?"

Conner smirked at me, nodding. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said, jutting my bottom lip out in a playful pout.

"In case you haven't noticed," he whispered seductively, flipping us over again  and propping himself up on his forearms on either side of my head. His lips were barely a kilometer away from mine, teasing me. "We've been a bit preoccupied." His lips were back on mine, and this time I didn't stop him.

Hey guys!! So this is the first official chapter, what'd you think??



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