"Well I'm so happy for you guys and I wish you two luck. Unfortunately we are out of time but there is one thing left..." She stood up and motioned for us to follow her. We walked away from the couches to an open area. "Mia, you just said that you didn't find out for a couple days who you would be working with first is that right?"

"Uhh ya." I stuttered as we came to a stop.

"Well I happened to talk to Simon the other day and he let me know who you would be working with. And to make it better the artist is in town and is actually in this studio." She smiled at me.

My mouth dropped open, my heart started to race as I became nervous. What of they hated me and refused to work with me? Why do they have to announce this on tv? What's if I pass out or get sick?

"T-they are h-here?" My words were jumbled and barley understandable.

"Yes, they are." She laughed and then turned to look at the opening where Ava and I had appeared from just minutes ago. "Boys, care to join us?" She asked in the direction of the opening.

Boys? There are multiple of them? Simon promised my first collaboration would be with a single artist!

I looked up to see my first partnership standing in front of me. My mouth dropped at the sight of the five boys. What the hell gave Simon the impression that I could handle this on my first try?

One Direction stood in front of me.

"You will actually only be working with Niall to start off with but might as well introduce you to the whole team at once." Ellen laughed at how shocked I was. This is beyond crazy and nerve wracking, working with the number one boy band in the world puts on more than a bit of pressure.

"Your kidding me right?" I half laughed but was mainly serious.

"Nope, your stuck with us until we get a song!" The boy that I recognized as Liam answered with a laugh.

"Don't worry, you aren't working with these idiots. It's just me, it will be fun." Niall stepped in, he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Sure?" I looked at him curiously, he probably just pities me right now because I'm so nervous otherwise he would be making a complete fool out of me.

"Are you a fan?" Harry asked, does every fricken human being have to be a fan of his? It must be a sin not to be.

"Occasionally." I shrugged and answered honestly.

"Occasionally?" He questioned sounding hurt.

Ego filled much, I'm not sure I can handle working with him ever. If the other four are like him then I'm quitting now.

"You have about thirty songs, I like about three of them. So when I hear those songs I like you guys, when I don't hear those songs then I pay no attention. Therefor, I'm a fan occasionally." I crossed my arms over my stomach as I became annoyed with him.

"I have a feeling that will change." Harry smirked.

"I wish you luck with that." Ava laughed next to me which made me smile.

"Why would we need luck?" Harry folded his arms and looked at her. I looked behind Harry to see Louis with an amused face which made me laugh a little.

"She is the most stubborn person you will ever meet. She doesn't listen to anyone and if she does it's under her agreement. She is not going to change her mind based on what you say." Ava half laughed as she spoke, she knew me to well.

"I guess we will just have to wait and find out." Harry turned his attention back to me.

"Don't keep your hopes up, it's not going to happen." I smirked at him then turned my attention back to Ellen so she could close her show.

"Its been an eventful show today, hasn't it? I guess we will all just have to see what the boys and Mia come up with." She laughed as Harry and I glared at each other, my hatred towards him growing stronger and stronger. "Tune in tomorrow, Jennifer Lawrence will be here!"

The director guy signaled the show was over, thank god. Dakota ran up to me and she burst into laughter that I could tell she was trying to contain the whole show.

"Your working with One Direction, that's hilarious!" She laughed as I felt a hand hand on the low part of my back. I jumped at the touch and turned to see Harry standing there.

"Get your hand off of me!" I stated through gritted teeth and moved away from him.

He smirked, I just wanted to slap those lips off his face. "I don't get what's so funny?" He asked turning to Dakota.

"Mia hates you, all of you guys." She stated before bursting back into laughter.

"The feelings mutual." Harry said with a straight face but I didn't feel insulted at all.

I laughed at my insane best friend. "I don't hate you guys, it's just a very strong dislike that may be considered hate." I turned to look at him.

"We leave in two days for London and your coming with us. Flight leaves at eight, be there." Niall stated as he walked over.

"We'll see." I smirked at then walked away from the two with a laughing Dakota still next to me.

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