Chapter Thirty-Six (36)

Start from the beginning

"Whats that?" I murmured dropping the subject, getting curious.

"Um... Well its bladder bags" she started, "Ms Randy said it would be best to give mister here, the condom catheter. Thats were, the catheter, rolls on his onto his penis, same was as a condom, but then instead of us having to insert it in... You can change it much easier" she smiled up at me, rolling it on.

Im not going to lie, I did get a tab bit jealous, curious about how he can pee when hes out, "He can still pee?" I blurted out, blushing.

"Yes, he can! Everything functions. But with the puncturing and all the sewing together, it will be tough for him--and painful also, for him to urinate, because he cannot move, with all the injuries and he will end up urinating all over if he doesnt wear it" she frowned, rubbing his cheek...

But it did upset me plenty too, because I could see the surgery cuts and were he had to be sewn together and what not.

Tears fell out of my eyes, "Aweh its OK hun" the nurse cooed in my ear rubbing my back.

"No its not," I said through tears, "Its all my fault hes like this" I cried some more,

"Oh no its not!"

"Yes it is, if I never left him... He wouldnt be beaten up so bad, he wouldnt of almost dies, he wouldnt be in this damn bed" I blurted out crying. She pulled me into a hug,

"Aweh hun, everything happens for a reason" she patted my back, "He'll wake up soon, the blood transfusion is almost done!" she chirped, cheering up.

My eyes scanned the room, eyes locking on the blood bag, and she was right it was almost done, it only had like eighty-five percent more, then it would be all finished. Moving my eyes, I looked at his body. Still unmoving, his face did gain some color, were it is not bruised and a weird brown color, but now he had a oxygen mask on, "When did he get that?" I asked, looking at the nurse,

"Not that long ago, it was put on when you were sleeping. They said that he is able to breath on his own ... But not as well, so hes on the the oxygen mask" she smiled at me,"Hes healing really fast," she added, scratching her chin, "They cuts have sealed, and I believe the string will disolve, soon" she also added, patting my back before walking out, "Ill let the doctor know your awake?" She asked at the door, I nodded absently.

Lacing my fingers with his, I pulled it up to my face kissing them--each finger seperatly. "Your getting better" I whispered to him, staring up at his face, my butt back in the chair. "Hurry and wake up" I whispered once again, "I wanna see your eyes, hurry and come back to me Owen" I said, alittle louder than a whisper this time. Squeezing his hand lightly,

And I swear to God, I felt him squeeze mine back. Unless Im hallucinating, putting my face toward his, I brushed his hair out of his face, kissing his forehead.

"I love you Owen, wake up" I whispered.

A faint sob, made me turn around. Ms Randy was there, hands over her mouth. Obviously crying. "Oops, look at this" she silently laughed, "Ruined the moment" she tried to laugh again... But failed,"Um... Anyway, I was just letting you know, that if you want you can go change and shower... Its been a while since, and I didnt want you to think that, you have to stay here" she said,

"I... I... I cant" I whispered, putting my head down.

I totally forgot, right now Im homeless. God, what a life.

"Why not? He wont be moved, just go and come right back" she said reassuringly,

"I... I dont have any where to go" I silently said, putting my head down.

"Oh... Oh my! Im so sorry, I forgot!" she face palmed herself, "Here," she handed me her keys, "We'll pick up your clothes from your parents after, and for now. Im pretty sure Owen still has some of your sweats in his closet, so go change and shower. And our house," she smiled sweetly at me.

My heart stopped, dont get me wrong, Im happy shes letting me stay with them, with Owen. But what? Im the one who caused her, and him all this grief, Im the one who helped put him in the hospital, if I stayed with Owen, he wouldnt have gotten beat to death... Or... Raped.

I was the one that was supposed to take him, take his virginity. But instead he got forced to be de-flowered with Sean. [Does that even work on guys, but its going to....]

He probably went so hard on Owen, thats how he got the tearing, Owen probably tried to scream, but didnt know if he did or didnt. And it was all my fault.

But that doesnt mean I wont love him. I always will. Ill take care of him. Ill do anything for him.


OH MY GOD! Yesterday was the worst, this kid. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ill like. Kill him!

~Minnie story~

He almost, unless it was the wind. Made me cry. Like he was fluffing around with this one kid, pushing him and shit. So then I stepped in and, when I get mad, I swear and cuss and crap. So.. Hes white, and lets just say.. some racist slurs were said, and other racist things to other people also. I got told to go back to were Im back from,,,, [Im half black] AND IM 100% Canadian, what a retard. Like gtfo; a Spanish/Mexican boy said that..... He shut up after I said somethings to him, then like. I yelled and started saying the 'eff' word and people started to laugh... Like >.> It wasnt funny,

Then unless its the wind, You know what TICKED me off; this Fillipino started to say to the kid, how do you like it when men touch you down south, and I was like O: THE FUCK ?!?!?!?!?!? And thats when the whole Spanish kid, Fillipino and all went at it. I yelled, and got loud. Like I dont know, but holy. My eye were watering, and lucky a teacher came around. Ugh. Kid would of got cut up.... With a pencil.


~End of story~

Any way, Enjoy ~!


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