coming to an ending

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no ones pov

its been a year since little Jacob R'amir Perez died but everything happens for a reason right? the death of there son brought them closer than ever jacob and yn had another baby and it was a girl her name was Kimani M'aire Perez she was the one that brought everyonce closer together. Ray found a girl name Leslie and she is cool to come to my concern she already had a kid yea a baby boy name Rayan  thats weird because he is named right after ray i think thats a signn that they are going to be together forever tyanna and diggy broke up i think it was best for them but they are still good friends and try to stay strong and positive for delilah im still in school trying to get my grades back up and stuff like that and got a good job to support for Kimani, jacob, and I IM still trying ttying to live off the death of my mother but im doing good at it

jacob was calling my name so i went downstairs to see him standing by an unknown woman

jacob- can you sit down?

me- why?

jacob- i have something to show and tell you

me- ok?

the unknown person turned around and i never thought i would see her again

i know it was short comment and vote sorry for the mistakes stay mindless


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