I turned and went in shutting the door behind me. I set my clothes and towel down and turned on the warm water. After getting off my clothes I stepped in after it was at my liking of temperature. The warm water trickled down my body until I was soaking. I got a palm full of shampoo and scrubbed. After about two minutes of scrubbing I rinsed out the shampoo. Then I put in conditioner letting it sit on my hair as I applied body wash onto my body.

When I felt every grain of sand was out of every nook and crack I rinsed off the conditioner. Once all soap was off I stepped out. I dried myself and then there on grey underwear and a black sports bra. Then some black leggings that ended halfway down my calves. Then over my sports bra I threw on a long sleeved pink crop top that exposed only a small part of my belly button. I then rose the towel to my hair tugging the top as my arms rose exposing the bottom of my sports bra.

After running my towel throughout my hair leaving it damp and in wavy spirals I hung up my towel.

My hand gripped the handle and pulled it open. I stepped out and stood leaning against the doorframe. Ethan was shirtless and in grey shorts still sitting on the couch on his phone. "Where'd you get the shorts?" I asked catching his attention. He looked up and shut his phone off smiling. He looked me over, "Um Austin came by and leant them to me while you were showering."

I rose my eyebrows and nodded in response. I walked to my closet and stood on my tiptoed reaching up to a top cabinet where I kept extra blankets. "How much do you usually sleep with?"


I gratefully accepted the invite to stay. Wouldn't hurt, I mean she was looking after me. And to be completely honest I was feeling a bit lazy to drive home.

She shot me a wink before completely turning and shutting the door being her. This girl, got me everytime. I took a deep breath trying to call myself down. You have to cut me some slack, I was in the bedroom of a girl which happens to be the one I'm completely crazy about. You can't call me a typical hormonal teenage guy, I mean how would you react.

The sound of the shower was my background music as I mindlessly scrolled though Instagram to escape my thoughts. A knock grew. I stood and opened the door. Jake's angry expression said it all, he was jealous and ready to interrogate.

"Yes?" "Here.." he held out some shorts, "Austin said you could borrow em to sleep." I nodded, "Thank you and goodnight." I began shutting the door when he shot his hand to the door stopping me. "Look Ethan I know what your planning. Your not slick. I bet your not even tired your fired up ready to get your hands all over her. But I'm warning you keep your paws off."

I pursed my lips keeping in the chuckle, "Whatever you say." I shut the door and sighed, it's not like I were to try anything. Either way she invited me I thought no more of it then a friend to friend gesture but apparently in his eyes I was a rapist trying to get at Lucy.

After throwing on the shorts and leaving the other pair folded to the side of the couch I sat back on it. I opened my phone agin scrolling again through an array of Instagram post. After about five minutes I instinctively pulled off my shirt to get more comfortable.

After more scrolling a familiar voice grew, "Where'd you get the shorts?" I responded leaving out Jake and his speech. She didn't need anything else to worry about. She nodded and walked to her closet.

My nose scrunched with a smile acknowledging the fact she noticed my change in shorts. As she stepped to her closet my eyes lingered. She was wearing her black leggings and a pink crop top that has long sleeves. It was the first I'd seen that top, well she probably only used it as a top to sleep in comfortably.

Her heels rose as she stood on her tiptoes to reach the top cabinet in which blankets were folded and stacked, "How much do you usually sleep with?" Her finger tips went over the blankets waiting for a response.

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