Missing Friend part 1.

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Promt: Bucky has gone missing, being captured again. The only difference this time, is that no one knows where he is, or who took him. Steve goes looking for him, Fury has left him a flash drive that gives him a few clues of where to find him, but, Steve is on his own for this one, or is he?

Inspiration: The Winter Soldier, Civil War, my ideas.

Word Count:

Steve's P.O.V.

I go through all the files when something catches my eye. A name. Zemo. The flash drive. I need to get it back from the vending machine at the hospital. I quickly jump up and change into my sweatpants and sweatshirt keeping the hood up. I quickly reach the hospital and walk down the hallway at normal speed, careful not to raise any suspicion. I reach the vending machine and see that it's not there. It's gone. All the gum in front of it is gone too. I see the reflection of Natasha in the vending machine as she walks up behind me. She blows a bubble. I turn around and wait for the nurse to walk by us. I then grab Natasha by her arms and push her into an empty hospital room and up against a wall.
"Where is it?", I ask. She stares at me.
"Safe", she says. I furrow my eyebrows.
"Do better", I say. Her eyebrows raise.
"Where'd you get it?", she asks me.
"Why would I tell you?", I ask. Her eyes widen in shock.
"Fury have it to you, why?", She says.
"What's on it?", I ask changing the subject.
"I don't know", she says. I gently push her again not letting my hands off her.
"I only act like I know everything, Rogers", she says staring at me.
"I'm not gonna ask you again", I say sternly. She looks down, then at me.
"I know who kidnapped Bucky", she says. My eyes widen my curiosity intensifies with every word she says
"Who?", I ask. She takes a breath.
"Remember how he told us that he wasn't the only Winter Soldier? That there were many of them.", She says.
"Yeah, but they all died in their sleep. They all froze to death", I say.
"But what if Zemo was not only listening to everything Bucky said so he could destroy us, but to turn himself into a Winter Soldier too?", Nat says. My eyes widen.
"You mean like an override?", I ask.
"Exactly. So he could have unlimited power over everything. So none of us could stop him. Not even Bucky if he somehow got out of his Winter Soldier memory", Natasha says.
"How do you know all of this?", I ask.
"In my early days of working for Fury, I knew about the Winter Soldier files. But I didn't know they applied to you, well, you and Barnes. When Alexander Pierce took over SHIELD, all the files were lost, so even if I wanted them, I wouldn't of been able to get them", Natasha says. I nod.
"What was in the files?", I ask.
"Everything. How to get the Winter Soldier into the horrible memories, how to get him out. How to make sure he stays stable in the cryofreeze so he doesn't die in his sleep like the other ones did. But most important, the secret to kill them off, if it was ever needed", Natasha says.
"So basically. Zemo is an even worse ghost story than Bucky was?", I say.
"Pretty much, but that doesn't mean we can't stop him. We've done worse. I mean, we've stopped Loki the God is mischief for god's sake", Natasha says.
"But he got away again", I say.
"That's not the point. The point is we can get Barnes back, we can defeat Zemo for good, yeah we might die or get injured in the process, but it's our job. It's what we live for", Natasha says.
"When do we start?", I ask.

Bucky's P.O.V.
(In Siberia)

I hear footsteps all around me but my eyes don't open. The darkness surrounding me smells moist and wet, dirty. I feel in a familiar place, but still can't recognize where.
"Open you're eyes, James", a voice says. I immediately recognize who it is. I decide to play along as if I'm in The Winter Soldier state, so I can still be with it if someone comes looking for me so I can get out of here.
"Ready to comply." I say opening my eyes. I see him smile that evil smile.
"Great. Exceptional. Perfect even." He says.  In my mind I want to scream out and attack him, but if I did that, he'd know I was faking it.
"I have a mission for you. If anyone follows you. You kill them immediately.", He says. I know he means Steve, Sam, Natasha, all of them.
"Alright. Let's get you prepped", Zemo says.
Steve's P.O.V.
(In London)

As Natasha and I walked through the biggest mall in London we looked around looking for any signs of Hydra Agents, or anyone who was becoming suspicious of us. Ever since Peggy died it's been hard for me to come back to London, or even think about going back. Now that she's gone I don't really have anyone to tell all of my troubles, or worries to. She was always a good listener, she always knew just what to say. The last thing I told her was how I felt about Natasha. She told me I should tell her how I felt, but I can't, and Peggy knew that.
"Steve. Steve? Did you hear what I said?", Natasha asks me.
"What? Sorry, no. What's going on?", I ask. She looks at me giving me the 'really?' look as she fills me in.
"I said, there's a guy over there who keeps looking at us. He looks familiar. I think he worked for Rumlow, but I'm not sure", She tells me. I spot the guy over in the food court. He's got the old school glasses on to hide his identity. The black leather jacket he wears keeps the possibility of a uniform from Hydra hidden. But as I look closer he has an ear piece in his ear that he quickly put his finger up to as he responds to whatever had come through it. But as we get close enough I hear the man say.
"We've got 'em boss. Both of them, Rogers and Romanoff. Level 2, wing B, right outside the food court", He says. That's when I quickly grab Natasha and start to get out of there.
"What are you doing?", She asks kind of surprised.
"The Hyrda Agent in the food court. He's got someone on their way here to get us. They've set up a bomb somewhere, I can tell by the way he talks. If we don't get out of here now they are going to set it off, and a whole lot of people are going to die", I say looking back quickly ever so often to see if we are being followed. All Natasha does is nod and respond with a vey quick
"The fastest way out of through the hallway that leads to the bathrooms", I nod to her response and quickly head that way, still careful not to draw to much attention to ourselves. We quickly reach the hallway and exit the doors. Two Hydra Agents come out of nowhere and begin chasing us. We quickly run around the corner searching for the car that we arrived in. It's nowhere to be found. The Agents took it to ensure that we wouldn't be able to escape.
"Hey! Get back here! You'll never be able to escape!", One of them shouts. We pick up the pace searching for any possible car that could get us out of there.
"Where are we going to go!?", Natasha shouts as we run.
"Anywhere that has a car!", I shout back. We run and I finally find a car and we quickly hop in it.
"How do we start it!?", Natasha asks.
"Search for anything that will go in the key hole to start this thing!" I say quickly looking around. Natasha looks around quickly to find something as well.
"Will this work!?", Natasha asks holding up a pin she found in one of the compartments.
"It'll have to do!", I say quickly grabbing it and putting it into the key hole. The truck quickly turns on and we take off just as the Hydra Agents catch up to us. We quickly speed around all the corners as the wheels make squeaking noises on the road and leave tire marks every couple turns. We quickly speed out of town and to the countryside. Every so often I look back to make sure we aren't being followed. I stop once I know we are far from the mall.
"Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?", Natasha asks. I shuffle in my seat while I keep my eyes on the road.
"Nazi, Germany", I say as I look at her as she sits with her feet propped up.
"And we're borrowing, take your feet off the dash", I say. She looks at me and gives me a little smirk as she slowly takes her feet off the dash.
"Where are we going?", Natasha asks.
"Hopefully, somewhere safe.", I say.
"And where would that be?", Natasha asks. I sigh a little bit.
"You'll see. In a few hours", I say. Natasha yawns. I look over at her.
"If you're tired, you can go to sleep. I got it, you can take over in a few hours if you like, after you get your rest", I say.
"Alright, but wake me up if you need anything, or something happens", She says. I nod.
"Yes ma'am", I say. She turns over towards the window and closes her eyes. She puts earbuds in as she goes to sleep. I smile at her.
"I love you", I whisper. I look back at the road and drive towards what will hopefully be our safe haven.

Well that's all for this chapter, there will be a part 2 and so on, I know there wasn't much Bucky, and I'm sorry, but hopefully there will be next time, well that's all for this chapter, I hope you guys liked it,
well that's all for now, so bye!!!!!!!

-The Author emily036

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