Returning To Life

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Warnings: Sad, Fluff, Major Feels.

Requested: anna_est19xx

Word Count: 1336
Steve's P.O.V.

It's been two years since I came out of the ice. Two long, hard, painful years. I can't go one day without thinking about the fact that I died, leaving my wife
Y/N, and my unborn daughter Kallyn, behind. I feel regret everyday. I long for them, I miss them. I want to hold them in my arms. It's the worst feeling in the world. You can't fix it.
"Captain", Stark says. I look up.
"Director Fury's on the line", He says. I stand up and grab the line.
"Director", I say. His voice comes in.
"Captain. I've got some news", He says.
"Oh?", I ask him.
"You may want to sit down", he says.
I take a seat on the end of my bed.
"What's the news?", I ask him eagerly.
"You're family is alive", he says.
"What?", I ask in shock.
"Turns out they somehow got frozen too. So you're daughter was born two years ago right after they came out of the ice. You're wife survived too. I know where they are", He says. My eyes widen.
"Well where are they!?", I ask eagerly.
"I'll tell you where they are, on one condition", He says. I sigh.
"There's always a catch. What is it?", I ask. I wait for a response.
"I need you and Barnes to go and fight off the leftover Alien Robots Hydra has in their facility", He says. I sigh.
"How long will it take?", I ask.
"With the two of you guys, and you're speed and agility. I'd say a day. Tops", He says. I sigh.
"Alright I'll do it. But promise me you'll tell me where they are? You have no idea how much this means to me, sir", I say. He sighs over the phone.
"I promise I'll tell you. Barnes is getting ready. Be at the jet in fifteen minutes", He says. I nod to myself.
"Yes sir", I say. I hang up and grab my bag and pack everything. I grab a picture of Y/N and I when she was pregnant, and a picture of Kallyn's ultrasound when we found out she was a girl. I grab my bear from when I was a little boy, I'd always planned on giving it to Kallyn for her to play with. I packed everything and zipped up my bag. I put on my suit and grabbed my shield. I picked up my bag and headed down to the jet.

I stare up at the jet. Thinking about my family, what my little girl looks like, meeting her, seeing my wife again, my Y/N. I ripped out of my thoughts.
"Hey Steve, ready to go?", Bucky asks.
"Yeah, ready as ever", I say. We board the jet and it takes off. A few hours into the flight Bucky asks me a question.
"Steve? You ok? You've been tapping you're foot for hours", Bucky says.
"Yeah, I guess it's just. I thought I lost them after I was frozen, and now I know that they're alive. But if I fail this mission, if I don't complete it, or don't get it right, I won't get to see them", I say. Bucky gives me a sympathetic look.
"Don't worry Steve, everything will be fine, you'll finish you're mission just like always. You'll get to meet them", He says. I nod.
"Thanks Buck", I say. He nods. We land and immediately start fighting off the robots. Every last one of them. I have a bit of trouble with one and think I won't be able to finish this mission, but then I remember what Bucky said. I think of my family, I have to it for them. Out of nowhere a gunshot comes out and shoots down the alien. I turn and see Bucky with a gun up on the hill. I salute him and he nods, taking off to go fight another target. I punch and throw my shield at the remaining three robots then run off to help Bucky kill the last few. We fight side by side against the final four robots, just like the old days. We finished our mission with minimal injuries. Except my broken left arm. We board the jet and head back to HQ. I'm bandaged up and my arm is taken care of. I head to Fury's office.
"Sir, the mission is complete", I say.
"Then as promised, I'll tell you where they are", He says. I nod looking at him. My eyes widen with anticipation.
"Where are they?", I ask him.
"The outskirts of Brooklyn, on a farm similar to Clint's", Fury says. He gives me the address. I smile excitedly.
"Thank you, sir! You won't regret it!", I say. I shake his hand.
"I better not", He says. I nod and run out of the room.
"Rogers!", he calls. I peek back in.
"Yeah?", I ask.
"Jet's waiting for you at platform 13", He says. I nod.
"Thank you, Sir!", I say. I rush out and grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder carefully so I don't bump my cast up arm and sling. I Board the jet. It takes off.

The jet lands and my anticipation, excitement, and nerves build. I walk off the jet and start up over the hill. I see a small, yet perfectly simple house appear on the other side of the hill. I walk towards it. I see a woman and a little girl in the yard. I smile. It's Y/N and Kallyn.

Reader's P.O.V.

I play with Kallyn in the field. She runs around chasing butterflies, and playing with the flowers. "Mommy? Who's that?", she asks pointing at the hill. I look and see a man walking towards us. Bag slinged over his shoulder, arm with a cast on it, sling over it.
"Steve", I whisper. Kallyn looks at me.
"Who is it momma?", She asks.
"It's your daddy", I say. Her eyes widen and she runs towards Steve.
"Daddy!", she yells.

I stand as I watch Kallyn come running towards me!
"Daddy!", She shouts. I drop all my bags as she reaches me. I open my arms out for her.
"Kallyn!", I say catching her in my arms. I smile. She snuggles into me.
"Hi sweetheart", I say tears coming to my eyes. She snuggles me more.
"Hi daddy", she says. She moves a little. I wince as she bumps my arm.
"Daddy ok?", She asks. I nod.
"Yeah sweetheart, I'm ok. You just need to be careful of my arm so you don't hurt it more baby girl", I say. She nods. Y/N reaches us and I set Kallyn down. She smiles at me, tears coming down.
"Y/N", I say. She cries harder.
"Steve!", she says. She wraps her arms around me. I wrap my arm around her.
"I missed you so much! Don't ever leave again!", she says crying harder.
"I won't babe, I won't. Never again", I say. She squeezes me. I kiss her forehead. She holds onto me longer.
"I thought I lost you", she says.
"So did I", I say squeezing her.
"I missed you so much", she says.
She kisses my cheek.
"I missed you too babe, I missed you too", I say. She lets go of me and gives me a kiss. Kallyn tugs on me. I pick her up. Y/N smiles at us.
"She asked about you everyday. When she saw you, she knew it was her daddy once I told her", She says. I smile. I kiss Kallyn's forehead.
"I knew it was you guys as soon as I saw you", I say. Y/N kisses me again.
After all these years, I'm so glad I'm reunited with my beautiful wife, and got to meet my beautiful daughter.

Well that's all for this chapter, I hope you guys liked it! Requests are open! Well that's all
for now, so bye!!!!!!

-The Author emily036

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